Dealing With The Truth

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Sally looked at Christine, trying to meet her eyes "You are pregnant Christine!" She stated.

"I am not!" Christine exclaimed, Mick and John was shocked to hear the words, but had suspicions already so they weren't surprised and they were both just worried about Christine. 

"Christine, I assure you it isn't wrong! You have been having unprotected sex, your showing all the symptoms and after inspecting your cervix, you are pregnant! I have had three children and have never been wrong about a pregnancy before, I am telling you, that you are definitely pregnant, even without the results of the blood test, I know you are because I am a doctor!" Sally said firmly and gently at the same time.

"I am not pregnant!" Christine stated 'Your probably high!" She scoffed.

"Christine, you are pregnant, I don't know your situation, I know your in a band and clearly with both of these men but, I am not judging but there are options, you just need to accept your pregnant, would you like a counsellor to talk things through with?"

Christine gave a deadly stare, her blue eyes looking like frozen ice and Sally had to look away, Christine looked like a bull about to charge her.

Sally got up and walked over to her desk "I am also going to prescribe you some pre natal vitamins and some anti nausea medications, I also want to give you something to help you cut down on your alcohol intake, is there any other substances you take?" Sally asked, her back to the woman she thought was going to murder her. 

"Do you think I'm some fucking addict?" Christine spat.

Sally closed her eyes in annoyance and turned around trying to remain calm "No I am not accusing you of anything!"

"You just accused me of fucking both of them!" Christine yelled pointing at Mick and John "Now I am an addict?"

"I'm sorry, even if you were, I only want to help you and make sure you and your baby are healthy, you may need to take some safe things to help you withdrawals is all, I am being a doctor and helping you!"

Christine exhaled and started shaking her leg, growling, wanting to rip John's hand off as he rested it on her leg.

"Christine uses a lot of candy and mary jane!" Mick spoke up, worried if Christine wasn't honest, something would happen to her or the baby, he loved her and John and wanted to look after them, he already loved the baby too.

"What?" Sally asked confused, raising her eyebrows at him.

"Blow and molly!" Mick chuckled.

"Mick fuck up!" Christine snapped glaring.

"I don't understand, are you alright, Mr Mick is it?" Sally queried.

"Chris is hooked on cocaine, pot, ciggies and alcohol!" Mick smiled "She uses it a lot to keep up with some of the mad shit we do!"

"I am not hooked on anything  you anything fucking idiot!" Christine yelled.

"Even if you are just experimenting with drugs Christine, if you have been using daily for over a few weeks, your body could have become reliant, so I suggest cutting back on the usage a lot, as studies show things like this increase risks of misscarriage, still birth and damage to the baby brain, it increases likelihoods of deformities with the baby and learning difficulties!" 

"Well I don't abuse drugs and am not pregnant!!" Christine stammered as it felt more real, tears building in her own eyes, worried if there was a baby she had hurt it.

"Chris hon, Mick and I both knew you are pregnant, Sally is just confirming it!" John soothed, rubbing her leg affectionally, just wanting to hold her properly and confirm everything would be okay. 

"Its my fucking body and I'd know if I was carrying a baby in my guts!" Christine replied staring at him.

Sally sighed "You have to accept this, Christine or don't you want the baby, do you want to get a termination or do you want another doctor to examine you and give you a second opinion?"

Christine pursed her lips together, clenching her jaw so tight it made her head throb and her teeth hurt at the thought of another doctor touching her, her skin crawled and she cringed at being poked and prodded again, also at the look on Sally's face, she wanted to slap her "Think you so smart don't you, gloating that you think I'm knocked up and some drug addicted whore, well fuck you Sally, if a baby pops out of me in nine months, I wont come crying to you!" Christine snapped.

"You would be at least two months already Christine, so it will be in seven months!" Sally smiled "If you feel your stomach, you should feel it a little more swollen, that means the baby is growing!" 

"You get off from this do you?" Christine snarled. 

"Christine, stop it!" Yelled John, starling her before she said anything worse "Can you give us a moment alone please?" He asked Sally "I'm sorry, she is withdrawing and scared, I need to talk to her!" John smiled.

Sally nodded "I am going to get the prescriptions ready for her, I will also prescribe some things to help with her drug and alcohol use, I sense being sober and clean is making her angrier!" Sally soon left the room as Christine wanted to punch her.

"She's on her high horse!" Christine sighed, slumping in the chair.

"Christine, can you please talk to me, we all know you are pregnant, I know its traumatic after the miscarriage and none of us planed this, but you are honey, your somehow pregnant and it will be okay!" John soothed, gently cupping her face.

"I bet my stomach doesn't even look or feel swollen!" Christine laughed.

"It feels really hard and bulgy, that's what I was feeling when you were sleeping the other day, when you thought I was talking about my tusk!" Mick grinned walking over "I know its weird, but its kind of cute, us three having a baby!"

"It is!" John smiled "We never planned it, but we made a baby, from love!" He stated and pulled up Christine's dress, she looked at him and let him do so, then he rested his hand on her stomach, looking at her "You are pregnant and your already further along, she said you must be two months, you were barely pregnant when you lost the first baby, it will be okay, I know you are scared, but Mick and I and even Jenny will be here for you!" John smiled softly, rubbing her stomach.

"John is right, everything will be fine, the baby will be perfect like you!" Mick winked walking over and running his fingers through Christine's hair "We can do this, we can feed you and pamper you, of you don't kill us, we didn't mean to get you pregnant, we all thought this couldn't happen and well it has!" 

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