Sickness and In Health

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"Toast!" John said loudly as he returned to his bedroom, Christine was curled up, trying not to throw up again, it was exhausting and stressful, she had never been so sick before and was actually not stressing as much about the doctor visit, she just wanted to feel better and even planned if the doctor gave her certain pills, she would put them in herself or get John or Mick to do it, anything to help her mysterious flu, she just wanted cuddles mostly but John and Mick were annoying her immensely and she wanted to punch them "Chris babe, toast!" John said again. 

Christine was mad with him and Mick but instantly smelt the toast wafting on the breeze and popped her head up more."Is it crispy?" She asked, hoping for it to be a bit burnt, the only thing that calmed her stomach a little was charcoaled toast or ginger. 

"Just how you like it when you feel sick!" John smiled placing the plate beside her on the bed.

Christine sighed and sat up, shakily taking a toast finger and forcing herself to eat it, instantly feeling a little better ate half of the plateful full "You are going to have to eat quicker, the appointment isn't far off!" Mick stated, glancing at his watch.

"I have to eat slow, I'm trying not be sick again!" Christine glared after swallowing. 

"Don't think you will be late and miss the appointment either smarty pants, I will easily put you in the car in your nightgown and you can eat and yell the whole way there!" John smiled, touching the tip of her nose.

Christine gave John the death stare and Mick as well angrily biting into the toast and not finding anything amusing, she was too unwell and too angry to be her normal self, she knew she was a bad patient and last actual flu she had before this one, she had snapped John's head off, got drunk, abused him and thrown up all over the kitchen, but John had taken care of her, like the loving man he was.

"I'm coming with you too, that way you can't murder John in case, well, um and because I want to support you!" Mick smiled, stumbling carefully over his words as Christine's blue eyes tore into his soul. 

"How fucking stupid will that look, me taking both of you in there for a lousy flu?" Christine laughed wryly. 

"I want to be there Chris!" Mick said firmly.

"Why so you can watch you pair of idiots be proved wrong?" Christine smirked. 

"Yeh!" Mick nodded, saying the most fakest 'yeh' he had ever said.

John darted his eyes away and got up "Want help finding some clothes?" John asked his wife.

"I don't feel like dressing, I feel dead John!" Christine rolled her eyes "My fucking foot his hurting too!"

"Well you did kick the shit out of the bed where the baby was probably made!" Mick muttered.

"Fuck you!" Christine shouted, throwing a toast finger at his head, the marmalade toast sticking to his forehead and sticking until it flopped down.

"You could have broke my brain!" Mick whined.

"Christine, don't waste that bloody food, you need it!" John stated and then watched as Christine's face paled.

"Why say bloody, you fucking idiot!" Christine hissed, running to the bathroom, feeling nausea hit her.

"That's it, you can shove those pills up her ass, she just keeps vomiting!" Stated Mick, grabbing a tissue from the side table next to his chair and wiping the sticky marmalade from his forehead.

"She doesn't mean to act like this, she's so sick Mick, she is scared too and gets angry when she doesn't drink!" John stated following her into the bathroom.

"I know, I just want her to feel better too, you know I love her too John, I want her to feel better!" Mick smiled sadly.

John and Mick both fussed over Christine and she stripped of in front of them "Fuck this stupid bra, my tits are killing me!" She snapped, tossing it at the wall "They feel like you pair have hit them about or keep pulling on them!" She whined, pulling on a floral dress, she felt bloated and didn't want to try and squeeze into her bell bottom jeans either.

Mick and John stared at eachother, John recalling what Mick said about Jenny and how her breasts had hurt in the pregnancy stages. 

Christine gulped down the ginger ale and chewed on another piece of toast "I know I feel sicker because you pair are convincing me to the doctors!"  She snapped, pointing at them "I know what  the stupid verdict will be too, I have a stomach bug and will get those ass pills, and I will vote which one of you is most annoying and you can shove the pill in my ass!" She glared.

"Why would that bother us?" asked Mick laughing, we have fucked you and we love you, so either one of us wont care about helping you!" Mick stated.

"Well fucking be annoyed about it like I am!" Christine snapped 'Get your own asses moving, I want to sleep!" 

Mick and John glanced at eachother lingering behind her "Pregnant!" said Mick in a high pitched whisper.

"We're dead then!" John replied.

"Hurry up, I feel to shit to drive, give me fucking ciggie!" Christine snapped, turning around. Mick wanted to quibble after recalling when Jenny had been pregnant, she had refused him smoking anywhere near her, saying new studies showed cigarette smoke was bad for unborn babies, but John knew no better and lit one, taking a puff, Mick suddenly slapped it away "You fucking idiot!" Christine snapped. 

"There was a spider on him!" Mick lied and started smacking John's arm.

"Ow, ah, Mick!" John muttered and Mick put on a show going along with his lover.

"I think I got it, lets go, or we'll be late!" Mick stated.

Christine felt awful but wanted to smoke "Give me a cig in the car!" She glared.

Mick and John made multiple excuses the whole way after coercing Christine into the back seat, which she ended up laying all over, trying not to vomit the whole way and actually felt relief as they arrived, after John had to pull up for her to throw up on the side of the road, Mick helping her and being abused.

The two men helped her out of the care as she was shaky at the front of the clinic "I fucking hate this, waste of time!" Christine rolled her eyes.

"You will be better soon!" John smiled, rubbing her back as the three walked up the short set of stairs and into the waiting room. 

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