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Christine just gulped as she looked at Jenny "Chris, please talk to me, do you want the baby, its okay if you don't, I wont judge you, just talk to me!" Jenny soothed, running her hand through Christine's hair again to calm her and make her feel better and safer.

"The whole thing is, I just know!" Christine said shakily "I don't want the baby Jen, but I don't want to loose it either, I know I couldn't be able to live with myself if I ended the pregnancy, if that's what you are hinting at, that has never even been an option to me, I think I'm scared to love it though!" Christine stammered, holding back crying again.

Jenny nodded and continued holding Christine's hand and stroking her hair "As long you are sure, its your body and your baby too, do you have any idea how far along you are?"

Christine shrugged "I don't know, my periods have always been irregular and I've been so caught up stressing about the future of the band, then the threesome shit happened and I have been drinking and drugging my way through everything, I'm a fucking idiot, I think someone said something about eight weeks or something like that, its hazy now Jen!"

"That's okay, but your not an idiot! You didn't expect this to happen, being down on yourself wont help, the main thing now is getting you to feel a bit better, you want to continue the pregnancy, so you need to be as healthy as possible for you and the baby, that also means cutting down on all the bad stuff!" Jenny said firmly "I was completely over the top when I was pregnant, new studies show smoking increases risks, so I made Mick get out the room when he smoked, I also didn't drink much either or use any drugs, except for when I gave birth of course!"

Christine looked at Jenny trying to take in all the information "The doctor gave John some paper work for me to read, the visit was so awful, Mick acted stupid and the doctor treated me like I was shit, why wouldn't she though, it was obvious two guys coming with me that it was a 'who's the daddy' incident, I'm just so stupid, I'm a grown woman and I wasn't on the pill or anything!" Christine shook her head.

"Hey, only good thoughts, its happened now, accidents happen Chris, its not like its the worst thing to occur!" Jenny smiled and then rested her hand on Christine's stomach "There is a little baby in here and it needs you to be strong now, its there now, you are keeping it so you need to get healthy!"

"Your so good to me Jenny!" Christine smiled back, tearing up again.

"Why wouldn't I be, you're a wonderful woman Christine and I am here to help you, every step of the way and as nutty the boys are, they will be too, they love you and all of us can make this work! I must admit, all three of you haven't been happier since this odd arrangement and neither have I and who cares what anyone else like your doctor think?  Its our lives, we're all adults and it will be okay, we are a happy little family with a little one on the way, so let me read through all this stuff to help with your withdrawals okay sweetie!"

Christine nodded "I do love you Jenny!" She said softly.

"I love you too, so lay there while I sort out your medical things okay!" Jenny smiled warmly and kissed Christine softly on the lips, before getting out of the bed.

"Do you want me to do anything?"Christine asked.

"I want you to lay there and try to doze off, your body is adjusting to the baby, so sleep whenever you want, eat whatever you want and yell at who ever you want!" Jenny laughed and got a small laugh from Christine.

"Thank you Jen, your too good!"

"Oh, stop it and get some rest!" Jenny blushed, pulling the blanket back over Christine and kissing her forehead.

"But Jenny, this is really too much, after everything.." Jenny cut Christine off my placing her finger over her lips.

"I'm glad to help me best friend, now try to sleep!" Jenny smiled.

"But Jenny.." Christine was cut off as Jenny playfully slapped her blanket covered ass "Hey!" Christine laughed.

"Doctor Jenny orders you to sleep and rest now, no stressing or more spanking!" She laughed.

Christine laughed "If only I wasn't so sick!"

"Well you are at the moment, so rest up while I look through all this stuff okay!" Jenny smiled and Christine nodded, curling up and hugging a pillow for some form of comfort.

Jenny went and got the bag that was dumped on the floor, sitting down beside it and reading through all of the paper work and the pill packets, she wanted to help Christine as much as she could.  

John had gone out  and waited for Mick to come back inside "Where the fuck were you?" He asked annoyed sipping a glass of whiskey.

"Outside, hiding and smoking a joint, I need to remain stoned or I may have a breakdown!" Mick chuckled closing the back door behind him.

"How do you think I feel, Christine is snapping my head off all the time, I'm worried about her, but she wont listen to me and you didn't even tell Jenny she was knocked up, I had too!" John exclaimed.

"Well your married to Chris, so I thought Jenny would react better!" Mick mused.

John rolled his eyes "Hopefully Jenny can help her, Chris and Jenny were hugging when I left, Christine told me to fuck off, so she is clearly still not feeling the best, she is also still in denial, poor Chris!" John sighed.

"I know, but she will be okay!" Mick reassured "Your going to be a Dad, well we are!" Mick smiled, patting John's back "Your not secretly pissed off and wanting to kill me are you, the fact that I could have knocked her up?"

"Mick, stop worrying, I love you and so does Chris and Jenny, its just all a big unplanned shock!" John stated "You and I were together more than you and Chris anyway, you only fucked her when we wear all together, so I'm not mad, stop stressing!" John smiled.

"Your such a good penguin!" Mick winked and hugged him. 

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