Love And Friendship

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"How do you feel?" John asked Christine worriedly staring at her after she finished eating.

"I don't fucking know yet do I, I just finished eating this shit!" She snapped.

John nodded "Have some more water!" He smiled, handing her a glass.


"Chris, please!" He smiled, pushing it at her hand.

"Fuck it off!" She snapped.

"No, it will help!" He quibbled.

"It wont!" 

"It will!" He reassured "Think of the baby, I mean yourself!" He corrected.

Christine stared at him, her blue eyes turning the shade of ice as she took the glass and drank it. "Happy?" She asked, ramming the empty glass into his hand.

"Yes, because your you again, hopefully the suposit works!" He grinned. 

 "The what?" She asked.

"The ass thing!" He laughed.

"Well besides hurting my ass, I feel a little better, lucky I wanted to go to the doctors!" She smiled.

"Yeh, Mick and me didn't have to drag you there at all!" John chuckled rolling his eyes.

Christine couldn't help smiling then she frowned hiccupping "Your water is giving me hiccups, thanks a lot!" 

"I'm sorry but hydration would be important!"

"I want more food!" She whined.

"Okay, what babe?" He asked, happy she had an appetite again.

"Marmalade Toast with some butter and maple syrup!"  She smiled.

"Chris, that wont be bland!" John stated.

"I want it John, now!" She growled and he left the room in a hurry.

Christine sat alone in the bed, looking at the empty plate and pulled her dress up, to look at her stomach, she ran her hand along it, wondering if she was really pregnant. She felt her stomach was bigger, rounded and hard, like her first pregnancy and this was actually confirmed, but she was so scared, scared she would accept the whole concept, fall in love with the baby like her first one, plan the future, the first birthday, the name and then miscarry anyway.  John and Mick were so supportive but she was so angry about how it would affect them all, if the baby was alright and how she would cope.

Mick payed the driver and got out the cab, feeling nervous as his drugs wore off, he was actually worried how to break the news to Jenny, it all seemed clearer now and he worried more about it all, mainly Christine's sanity, after knowing her for so many years, he knew she liked living the rock and roll lifestyle, he could read things better than anyone knew he could, just because he acted like the joker, it all hit home now and he was worried mostly for Christine and John, their marriage had been something he had tried .

. Although him and Jenny were in an open marriage, they still hooked at times, lived together and would always love eachother, to some degree.  Now he had to tell her that her best friend may be carrying his child and needs her help.

Mick gulped and walked up the stairs, soon unlocking his house "Jenny?" He squeaked, his voice caught in his throat as she stood in the hallway, with her arms crossed, she was shorter than him and drop dead sexy, but her death stare always made him shiver, she could look as angry as Christine did at times. 

"Real nice Mick, leave me to care for our sick daughters while you were off having sex!" She sighed.

"I wasn't fucking the Mcvies, I meant to come back but I was trying to help with Christine, she has been violently ill!  I stayed the night because John was worried and she is half delirious!" Mick stammered.

"Christine hardly gets sick, you said it was just a cold, thats why I made her the soup, did she eat it?" Jenny asked instantly softening.

"She did, but she keeps vomitting, she has hopefully stopped now, after John shoved something up her ass!" Mick stated.

"What? Anal sex isnt a cure!" Jenny chided "You pair of idiots, its a wonder she is still alive with you pair caring for her!"

"It was a pill thing and thats why I am here, she has been to a doctor and has a shit load of pills to take, so we need you! She is also really scared and lashing out at us!" Mick explained "She may kill us soon, John may already be murdered once the pot wears off completely!" 

"Well lucky Pattie took the girls out!" Jenny smiled, feeling worried for her best friend "I will get my bag and come with you now!" She soon hurried out the door "Where is your car?"

"At the Mcvie house, I caught a taxi because I may be well er!" Mick paused.

"High, stoned and drunk? Knowing you, it would be all three!" Jenny shook her head reaching in her purse and pulling out her car keys, unlocking it and getting in.

"How are the girls?" He asked.

"Better actually, that's why Pattie took them to the zoo! Since John and Chris took them there, they are obsessed with the Zoo!" Jenny replied with a smile, starting the car "Do you think Chris has what they had?" 

"Certainly not!" Mick exclaimed, "I hope they never do, they are my little girls, Christine is a woman!" He tutted in annoyance. 

"I know silly!" Jenny laughed, driving away.

"You sure do know she is a woman, you've stuck your hand in the proof that she is!" Mick laughed.

Jenny felt shy "I smoked some pot that morning Mick, can we not go back to that situation! It was embarrassing and distressing for Christine and myself!"

"It could have been sexy, how did you even know about that kinky shit?" Mick laughed.

"I'm not an innocent teenager Mick, I sometimes find your Playboy magazines, you don't hide them very good!" Jenny laughed "So besides Christine's sexual activities, how is she?"

"Well she is sick and needs you!" Mick stated "John and I are wonderful but we don't know all about medical drugs, just the illegal ones!" He chuckled.

"Well what is she diagnosed with?" Jenny asked, adding up how Christine had been to a doctor and got pills "How serious is it?" 

"Christine or John will tell you, they are the ones married so its their thing to say!" Mick smiled. 

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