Mac and Dinner

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"Thank you for the dinner!" Christine smiled, only getting of the couch when she heard Jenny setting the table, she had preferred just laying there and inhaling the food, she was feeling shy about the whole pregnancy in front of John and Mick.  She also still didn't feel very well and was trying to come to  terms with her pregnancy, she even had rested her hand on her stomach, she was worried the baby would think she didn't love it, but she realised as she laid there, she was trying not to love it, because deep down she already loved it too much and was worried admitting that even to herself that she would jinx the baby and miscarry.

"It was fine, I enjoy cooking, how are you feeling?" Jenny asked, gently rubbing Christine's arm.

Christine shrugged, hugging herself, she felt cold and hot at different times "I'm hungry, a little nauseous, I just want a ciggie, are you sure its proven that its bad for well, um the...." Christine paused and glanced down at her stomach "Bad for that?" She asked resting her hand on it.

"Your stomach or the baby inside of you?" Jenny asked smiling.

"You know what I mean!" Christine said looking away.

"New studies show that smoking isn't very good for the baby, so I suggest cutting right down, a few shouldn't hurt but, I never liked the smell of tobacco so it made me even sicker when I was pregnant!" Jenny said softly.

"They have been making me feel sick, but I've smoked for so long! The drinking too Jen, a few drinks at the studio can't hurt can they?"

"I'm not sure, plenty of pregnant women drink, just don't get drunk like you usually do!" Jenny teased.

"Fuck you!" Christine laughed.

"Your not well enough to that yet!" Jenny smiled.

"Tease!" Christine muttered, smiling and shaking her head, she felt a lot shyer when she felt so vulnerable and sober.

"Come sit down,  I have to go fetch the guys!" Jenny smiled, leading Christine to a seat that was pulled out and sitting her "Oh, I forgot to ask, can you sit after the you know?"

"Yes, I can sit, thanks Jen!" Christine smiled and Jenny hurried away out the back door.

"Hey boys, dinner is ready and Chris is awake!" She said finding them standing and drinking more beers while they laughed and chatted.

"Shit, we want to get drunk!" Mick frowned.

"Too bad, you have to be responsible, so finish those and get your asses inside!" Jenny said firmly, then walking off.

"Can't she live here full time?" John laughed.

"I wish we all could, maybe when Chris has the baby we should all move in together, we're both gonna be the Dads and she will need Jenny's help with a newborn for sure! Maybe we can buy a bigger house and live together!" Mick grinned.

John couldn't help smile at the idea, he truly did love Mick and wanted him there more "I hope we can, we could be one big happy family!"

"Yes, of course!" Mick smirked, then finished his beer "Lets tell the girls, maybe that will make Chris worry less if she knows how happy we all are and how Jenny can be Mum two for the baby!"

"Lets just see what mood Chris is in first!" John advised and they went inside.

"The food will be too hot yet!" Jenny explained, scooping some into the bowl in front of Christine, she knew Christine was about to instantly eating it, because her spoon was already in the bowl.

"Fuck!" Christine sighed and everyone laughed.

"Baby McFleetwood must be as hungry as his Mummy!" Mick grinned, rubbing Christine's shoulders.

"You don't even know if its a boy yet Mick!" Christine replied briskly, then bit hr bottom lip, realising she had acknowledged the baby more.

"Maybe it will be twins!" Mick teased.

"Fuck off and shove John's cock in your mouth, the words twins is  something I don't want hear!" Christine exclaimed.

"Mick, don't stress her out, maybe she is so sick because its twins and she doesn't need extra stress!" John said calmly, the thought making sense, assuming a woman would be more sick the more babies she was carrying.

Christine gave him the death stare, squeezing the handle of her spoon tightly and then stabbing it into the mac and cheese.

"Maybe one is John's and one is Mick's you know cats can have kittens to multiple fathers?" Jenny smiled.

"I'm not a fucking cat!" Christine exclaimed.

"Your a sex kitten!" Mick winked and Christine gave him the finger.

"Don't encourage them Jenny!" Christine chastised.

"I'm only stating the truth, women carrying multiples need more care during pregnancy, your too early for a scan so we wont know, so after dinner, I demand John or Mick to carry into bed and to tuck you in and hug you!" Jenny smiled "I would but I will never spend a night without Amy and Lucy and I know you wont feel like them running riot while you are so ill!"

"I am not carrying multiples and my god daughters don't bother me, they are welcome here all the time!" Christine smiled, even though she was now panicking about the thought of carrying two babies, she then pushed the thought aside, twins did not run in her family, so no, never happening, she thought lifting a spoonful of the mac cheese to her lips "Ah fuck, its so hot still!"

"Like you!"  John winked and she rolled her eyes.  

"Your will just have to wait for the food, I already have the pills all sorted as well, so you should start feeling better!" Jenny smiled sitting beside Christine and kissed her cheek, rubbing her back.

"Remember Stevie gave some tips too!" Mick added, winking.

"I look forward to meeting this Stevie, you seem entranced by her Mick!" Jenny smiled.

"No, not at all, I think Lindsey was more intriguing, Stevie was mainly walking in on John fingering Christine's ass!" Mick chuckled.

"Mick!" Christine glared.

"Right, no more talking, everyone shut up and eat, only good peaceful things for poor Mummy McFleetwood!" Jenny smiled.

"Yes wifey!" Mick nodded smiling.

"You are so naughty Mick!" John tutted.

"You all love me so stop pretending you don't!" Mick winked "Now eat Mummy!" Mick grinned at Christine and she held back a smile, feeling softened at the word, she couldn't help imagining how cute an infant would sound calling her "Mummy' it warmed her heart. 

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