Making Plans

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Mick and John both chatted for a long few hours,  Mick managed to calm John down a bit with sweet talking charm and multiple joint and cigarettes.  John had stopped stressing about Christine somewhat and tried to be forgiving to Jenny, he was more mad about Christine being potentially hurt than the two women being intimate and as him and John passed a joint back and forth, things looked better anyway. Jenny stayed to cook dinner, feeling bad still and she wanted Christine to rest, especially because she knew how badly Christine got ill when her cycle came around and they all wrote off Christine's nausea and tiredness to that.

Christine washed her face in cold water after forcing herself to the bathroom sink.   She was shaky, sweaty and overheating, not to mention the nausea, too much to drink of course, as the previous weeks were and she knew the liquor hit quicker when she was getting her period which made her sicker and easily nauseated.    She was still a little tender when she moved but still wanted to show everyone she was fine, just a little drunk, what else could be wrong? She asked smiling as she lit a joint and knocked back a few swigs of vodka.

Over half an hour later, she surprised them by walking in the kitchen, she was mostly sober besides a joint she smoked, the rest of the alcohol in her body she vomited out and also had when she tried to drink more. Without many substances she felt very shy and embarrassed, John her own husband and their lover/friend Mick had walked in while her best friend whom was also Mick's wife had her hand in her. Christine wanted to hide for days under the comforting quilt but she simply knew that was impossible "Christine!" John exclaimed charging over and startling her "Get back to bed!" He ordered picking her up swiftly.

"John Mcvie, put me down!" Christine laughed.

"You are supposed to be resting!" John exclaimed.

"I don't fucking want too, now I need a real snack, if you don't put me down John!" Christine glared and John listened, lowing her onto her feet and resting his hands on her hips.

"How are you?" Jenny asked which made Christine shiver, the woman, her best friend, the owner of the hand that had been stuck inside of Christine not too long ago, that left her still sore was her best friend, asking her with that angelic voice and perfect figure, how she was.

"I'm fine Jen, what's that smell?" She asked, following Jenny to the kitchen that overlooked most of the bottom floor with its fine English charm that was mystifying to say the least anyway. 

"You getting wet for my wife to double fist you!" Grinned Mick getting closer to Christine who looked a little shy, then found her inner confidence, grabbing some cashews from the bowl on the bench, and used it to her advanced and tossed them at Mick, hearing various whimpers and Jenny laughing.

"Don't make suggestions, I'm not a blow up sex doll Mick, I need a break!" Christine gulped, Christine always got a little moody, sore and tired with her period and everyone was getting used to her sleeping and moping about the house for around three days until the cramping slowed.

"You should be laying down so nothing falls out of you!" John gulped and Christine and Jenny looked at eachother.

"Falls out, what can?" Christine laughed.

"Your lady bits, since Jenny was pulling and twisting them with her hand!" John stammered, cringing and the two women laughed.

"Its not that easy John!" Jenny chuckled.

"I hope not, Christine's bits cant really fall out because your fisted her, right?" Mick asked unsure.

"No sex for a short while is okay!" Christine stated.

"Have you had another latex condom in you?" John queried.

"No, fucking hell, I just want to rest, I will hopefully get over it!" Christine chuckled loudly and the four ate together, everyone was shocked when Christine didn't have a glass of wine but she felt too nauseas to bother and just enjoyed hanging around with the three most easy going people, she loved them.  


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