Growing Family

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"Mick leave them be!" John chuckled watching as Stevie yawned.

'Oh darling you look tired!" Jenny cooed.

"I am a bit!" Stevie blushed.

"Party pooper!" Lindsey laughed and slapped Stevie's ass gently as stood, causing her to giggle.

"Come and pick a room!" Jenny smiled.

"Yes, get them settled, I have to put this alcohol away and go check on my wifey!" John smiled.

Meanwhile, Christine was woken up by extreme nausea and all the laughter, she felt the sign of a headache and sighed. The pregnancy and withdrawals made her feel so exhausted and upset, she also felt lonely because the bed was still empty. She swung her legs out of the bed and staggered half asleep to the bathroom, soon having her head over the toilet again and she felt all shaky again, she knew she was due to eat and take more of pills she had been given as she looked at her watch while drying her mouth.

She rubbed her stomach, still trying to come to terms with the pregnancy. She already felt a bump forming and was surprised to be showing so early. She figured no one else probably noticed but her, it was still just adding to the realism of the situation though.

She mulled over how it was awful timing and she had no idea how things would turn out but she was thankful for John, Mick and Jenny's help even if the men had been pretty useless at helping, they were supporting her emotionally and doing there best for her, so that made her smile, she also liked the prospect of them all living together, she just missed sitting around drinking and laughing all night, she wanted to be out getting to know Stevie and Lindsey better.

She sat back down on the bed and wanted to cry, giving up all her vices made her so emotional and she believed the pregnancy was too. She hated being emotional or even letting on when she felt vulnerable and she was scared too, to invest too many thoughts in the pregnancy in case she lost it.

"Hey, you are awake!" John smiled and noticed her as he entered the room.

"Yeh, woke up and was sick again!" She frowned, rolling her eyes.

"Aw babe!" John cooed and sat beside her.

"You fucking reek of booze, weed and ciggies, piss off!" She sighed.

John chuckled "I cant just piss off and leave my poor pregnant wife all sad!" He smiled and kissed her cheek, happy to see her smile a little too "How are you, better after throwing up?"

She shook her head.

"Do you want me to get Jenny, she was just making the spare room up for Stevie and Lindsey, she is staying tonight to help you, Patti is watching the girls at the mother's house so Jenny is going to take care of you soon!" John smiled and rubbed Christine back.

"I hate being so dull, I want to be drunk and out there snorting coke!" Christine whined and John laughed.

"I cant imagine how hard it is for you, but you are doing amazing and think of how well this is going !" John smiled and placed his hand on her stomach.

"I'm still worried and I feel like shit, I wanna be out there, chatting and getting pissed and high!" She frowned.

"Think of how amazing it will feel when we first hold the baby!" John soothed and Christine couldn't help her mind flitter through her thoughts and she felt warmth imagining if everything went alright and she did end up birthing a happy and healthy little bundle of joy.

"I know Johnny, that's why I am suffering through this hell!" She exhaled whiningly and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You are so amazing baby, don't be too hard on yourself! You and that perfect body are coping with giving up on all the bad stuff and its growing one or maybe two little babies in there!" John smiled.

Christine pulled away "Don't scare me, trying to carry one to term is scary enough and daunting!" She sighed.

"It will be ok!" John smiled and kissed the side of her head "You are just more depressed because of all the withdrawing and because you feel so ill, but it will get better, each day you are appearing to be a little better!" He soothed and held her closely, knowing she was a little clingy when she was feeling unwell or scared "Lay back down and I will go see if Jenny is nearly finished setting up Stevie and Lindsey!" John added patting her thigh and she nodded, he got up and smiled at her as she slid back under the covers and pulled them up to her neck.

"There you go!" smiled Jenny, fluffing a pillow "Are you alright love?" She asked Stevie who was standing in the doorway yawning.

"Just the wine has made me sleepy!" Stevie giggled "I cant drink as much as the boys!" 

"Its ok, I am the same, hence why I only had two glasses!" Jenny chuckled "I don't know how Chris used to drink so much, she outdrank John and Mick one night, Mick collapsed and John was stumbling about and slurring like a mad man!" Jenny burst out laughing.

"My gosh, I hope she gets better soon, some girl power is always funny, no wonder why John and Mick seem so respectful of women if Christine is like that!" Stevie grinned, admiring Christine a little more.

"She will be better soon, just another week or so and things should go easier for her, she will be sad she didn't get to know you both better yet!" Jenny stated.

"We have forever though, all living together like a big happy family and I look forward to meeting your little girls too, I love children!" She smiled.

"Children are wonderful, the girls will love to meet you too, do you and Linds plan children?" Jenny smiled.

"Well I actually thought I was expecting a few months ago, but it turned out to be an ovarian cyst, so then I had to have an operation and took me five weeks to recover, it was awful and I was really down about it all, then Mick contacted Lindsey and it was like destiny!" Stevie smiled, after starting to get sad.

"I'm sorry that happened, but I believe you five will make wonderful music together, its nice welcoming you both to the little growing Fleetwood Mac family!" Jenny smiled warmly.

"Its a pleasure to be a part of it!" Stevie grinned and playfully curtsied making Jenny laugh.

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