More Stressing

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"Why do you have to look in me anyway, I have a stomach flu, not one down there!" Christine snapped "Don't fucking tie my legs in those stupid stirrups either, I'm claustrophobic, this is 1974, not the medieval days, there should be better ways to check me!"

"This the best way and I am checking to see I you are pregnant, I can tell from the colour of your cervix and other reasons, so just relax or it may hurt if your tense!" Sally gently explained, John was glad the woman was so patient and kind to Christine, after how much Christine was whinging and how idiotic Mick was being.

 Christine closed her eyes in annoyance,fear and embarrassment, also trying to stop herself from crying, her emotions were all over the place. John sensed she would be naturally nervous and gently grabbed her hand, which she tightly squeezed, flinching as Sally slid the speculum in her "Your entrance is inflamed Christine, do you know the reason for this?"

"Yes and I don't want to talk about it, just hurry up, your ripping me open with that stupid fucking thing!" Christine snapped, feeling Sally opening the speculum.

"Your haven't been sexually abused?" Sally asked.

"Don't make assumptions, I like it rough okay!" Christine half yelled, worried Sally would assume John was hurting her. 

"I had to ask, sorry!" Sally stammered, she couldn't wait until she was finished with Christine, which she soon did after shining a small light inside of Christine to examine her "I wont feel inside you, given your inflamed entrance and your friend saying about, um a hand in you!" Sally said and Christine wanted to get up and punch Mick's face in, she glared at him, as he stood there laughing behind Sally.

"Looks like the silver thing must hurt, look how open you are, its look weird!" Mick stated.

John closed his eyes in annoyance and Christine had never felt so embarrassed, Mick was acting like it was no big deal and she was going through her own crisis "Mick stop looking at me, shut up and sit down!" Christine gulped.

"Your upsetting her Mick, can't you tell its uncomfortable for her, you heard Sally too, if she tenses up, it will hurt her, so come here and help keep her calm!" John ushered.

"Sorry, I'm high!" Mick nodded walking away and standing beside John.

"Obviously your high!" John rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Chris, poor little thing you are!" Mick cooed sympathetically and finger combed her hair, kissing her forehead and feeling bad.

"I want to murder you right now, so just don't!" She sighed, turning her head away, which made Mick feel bad. 

"I have finished, I'm just going to remove the speculum!" Sally stated, closing it and sliding it from Christine "I am going to get a nurse to help me with blood test, you can get down now and redress!" Sally scurried out of the room.

"Well what about my fucking cervix, cant I just go?" Christine asked annoyed, but Sally was gone "Fucking bitch wouldn't even tell me what was going on!"

"Christine, she is doing her job and very lovely, don't be mean to her!" John soothed.

"Yeh, its not her fault what's happening to you!" Mick smiled. 

"Do you pair want to fuck her, well go ahead!" Christine hissed, almost vomiting, being uptight did make her sicker.

"Chris!" Mick and John said in unison as they panicked.

"I'm fine, just help me down!" She gulped. 

"That pussy stretching thing might  have been sexy under different circumstances!" Mick chuckled, helping life Christine's legs from the stirrups.

"It didn't feel sexy, it hurt, try getting some metal thing shoved in you and opened up, like I wasn't sensitive enough, she also probably thought I was turned on because I keep leaking fluid, probably my period that I will get!" Christine snapped as John helped her get her underwear back on, then helping her down "Thanks or boasting about Jenny's hand too!" 

"She thinks were weirdos anyway!" Mick laughed "Who cares anyone!" He shrugged "Why don't you lay back down and I can eat you out, soothe your entrance!" Mick winked.

"Just shut up!" Christine sighed, sitting down in the chair and rubbing her face "I'm humiliated okay!"

"She is a doctor, she would do this all the time, stop stressing honey!" John soothed, rubbing Christine's back. 

Christine hugged herself in the chair and soon Sally was back with a nurse, giving Christine a jar to take to the bathroom "Go wee in this, then come back and we will be ready to do the blood test!" Sally smiled, Christine staring in annoyance at Sally and the nurse. 

 "You can come with me, John!" She sighed, dragging John along with her to the bathroom, she felt clingy but didn't want to admit it."Give me some blow!" She said the minute the door was locked, glad it was more like a house bathroom than a public one.

"No, your sick, I am not giving you cocaine!" John stated "I don't have any with me, just piss so we can go home and you can be fed and rest!"

"Like I feel like pissing, you didn't care about me coking out when we all fucked for a whole night, I need something John before I kill someone, mainly Mick or annoying Sally!"

"You weren't sick when you were using drugs, your angry enough too, if you snort some coke your liable to actually kill me, Mick and the whole clinic!" John stated.

Christine rolled her eyes "I have the shakes John, I need a ciggie, a joint, some scotch!" She said holding her hands in front of him.

"Because you keep throwing up!"

"I need something, do you know how long its been since I went a day without drugs and booze? People die from going cold turkey!" Christine stated.

"Have a joint then, I'll light it and you can have a few puffs after you piss!" He sighed, giving in, thinking that a joint was the safest option and would relax her and he handed her the jar "Now piss!"

Christine glared at him and snatched the jar.

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