Dealing With It

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"Did you like it, do you want some more?" Jenny asked as Christine finished her second bowlful of the mac and cheese, watching as she shakily held her water glass and took a sip.   Christine was getting so agitated with her shaky hands, she worried how she would play the keyboard and piano, she tried to play daily or even every second day at least, either on her keyboard or her actual piano, but how ill she felt and the shakes were stopping her.  She often either made new songs, practised Fleetwood Mac ones or calmly played traditional pieces like what she had originally learnt but she couldn't even bother thinking of it, she wanted to rip her hands off, the shaking was so infuriating for her. 

"No, I don't want to eat anymore thanks, I am liable to over eat and then feel nauseous again! It was really good though, thanks Jen!" Christine smiled, placing the empty water glass back down, wishing it had been vodka. 

"Did that mac taste as good as John?" Teased Mick "The true mac!"  He laughed. 

Christine rolled her eyes smiling lightly, getting up from the table and walking around the kitchen counter, carrying her bowl, John playfully smacked Mick's arm "Stop it!" He whispered.

Christine started washing her bowl in the sink, then putting the plug in and  opening the cupboard underneath pulling out a bottle of dish detergent and squirting some into the sink. Jenny shot up from her chair, hearing the water filling and hurried into the kitchen walking around the kitchen bench to Christine "Hey, stop that, you are not washing up, you are taking your medications and going to bed, you need a lot more rest now Christine, remember the baby Mac!" Jenny soothed, rubbing Christine's arm with one hand and her stomach with the other, suspecting it was twins. 

Christine sighed and left the plate in the washing up water she had started preparing, drying her hands on the tea towel and then looking at Jenny, raising her eyebrows, instantly softening because of Jenny and how tired she actually felt. 

"Look how tired you look, come on, come take the pills and then have a nice warm shower, that way you are standing up a while to make sure the pills don't make you throw up before you go to sleep!" Jenny smiled.

Christine glanced at the Grandfather clock on the wall "Fucking hell, its not even nine yet!" She exclaimed "I usually stay up past four in the morning!"

"You weren't pregnant hon and you would drink all night, I doubt you'll have that energy now!" John said softly as he walked around and rested his hand on her back "Do you want to take the pills and I will come and shower with you?"

"Your not fucking me John!" She glared at him.

"I wasn't thinking of that, I am worried you will faint or something, that's all!" He explained "I have helped you shower before when you were really drunk!"
"I wish I was drunk, can't I have a beer?" Christine whined, looking at Jenny.

"No, these pills are to help you withdraw better, a beer could make your really sick and be bad for you and bubs, take John's offer, the pills could make you dizzy so either let him, Mick or I, in with you!"

Christine looked down, feeling still not well enough and nodded, then Jenny led her aside, assisting her with the pills and handing her multiple glasses of water and a piece of toast "Thanks!" Christine smiled, washing the final pill of the evening down and taking another bite of toast.

"No need to thank me, just stay healthy!" Jenny smiled "Now just sit there while I get you some comfortable clothes!" Jenny smiled and Christine nodded, laying back on the bed where she had been sitting " I suggest light clothing and loose clothing, I wore a lot of loose dresses or Mick's button up shirts to bed, nothing tight on your tummy is the best option!" Jenny smiled, opening the wardrobe and finding one of John's shirts, then grabbing a pair of underwear, returning to Christine who was laying on the bed and watching her, still nibbling on the toast "Sit up and eat sweetie, you could choke!"

"Thanks!" Christine nodded, moving.

"No thanks needed!" Jenny smiled "Now I suggest this shirt and don't bother with a bra at night until you get a real soft one!"

"Thank fuck, my tits are killing me, they feel so hard and sore!" Christine frowned.

"Because sweetie, they are getting ready for the baby, they are sore from the hormones and because they are already getting ready to make milk for the bub!" Jenny giggled, rubbing Christine's stomach again and smiling excitedly for her best friend, knowing how wonderful it was when she herself had her girls, it was worth all the discomfort once the baby was placed in her arms.

"I'm tired again!" Christine frowned scared as she thought of feeding a baby.

"Chris, I know you too well, that look is fear not tiredness!" Jenny chided "I can understand how scared you are, but you have me and I will be here every step of the way, so will those pair of nonks!" She added with a giggle "Don't stress though, stress increases nausea and everything is natural!" 

Christine nodded and took Jenny's hand, lifting it to her lips and pressing a kiss to it, it was easier than speaking and she knew Jenny knew how scared she was anyway and Jenny leant over, hugging her softly and kissing her cheek "I can take you for the shower if you want, I just know it will help!" She cooed, caressing Christine's cheek "Warm water is comforting, but I think it will be good if you let John in more, he loves you so much, he and even Mick are trying, so let John be there and Mick too, they want to pamper you, let them!" Jenny grinned.

"I don't like taking help, I'm a proud woman!" Christine quibbled, clutching Jenny's hand. 

"Well a proud woman needs help too!" Jenny winked and kissed Christine softly on the lips and then rubbed her stomach "And that little bundle of joy needs you to take the help too, new Mamas need help, lots of it!" Jenny winked.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you!" Christine gulped.

"Sweetie, you are a musician, I had Pattie and..." Jenny paused.

"Your Mum!" Christine nodded.

"Yes, but you will have all of us, stop stressing, because stress is bad, now  I am going to get your penguin!"

Christine nodded and gave in, then Jenny walked off and back to the kitchen, smiling as she watched the men "Aren't you a good boy!" Mick chuckled, hugging John from behind as John washed up.

"I just want to help out, poor Chris is growing our baby in herself and Jen is doing enough to help around here, least I can do is wash up the dishes!" John smiled at Mick.

"Sweet Penguin!" Mick smiled and kissed his cheek making him giggle "Let me help at least!" He offered.

"Alright fine!" John laughed "Have you actually ever helped in a kitchen?"

"First time for everything!" Mick chuckled.

"I suppose!" John grinned. 

Jenny was happy to see the men so happy, everything was going good and she was glad they were all in whatever relationship they were "John, Chris needs you!" Jenny smiled "I will help Mick wash up!"

"Uh sure!" John nodded, glancing at Mick.

"Go look after her, Daddy one!" Mick winked.

"Thanks Daddy two!" John laughed and hurried off. 

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