Truths and Lies

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"That took quicker than I thought!" John smiled and tossed the house keys to Lindsey after they all got out of the car "You can unlock while I help Mick unload the booze!" John smiled and Lindsey nodded with a grin. The paper work was all signed and now the house was closer to being owned by all of them. 

"I can help!" Stevie smiled going over to John to help carry something, they had bought loads of alcohol and planned on ordering take-away Chinese or Pizza later on when they got the munchies.

"No you pair are guests and we couldn't have done all this without you, go make yourselves at home!" John laughed smiling widely at the duo.

"Yeh go on, skedaddle, roll some joints !" winked Mick playfully, starting to help John unload the boxes of alcohol. 

"Alright, I cant turn that offer down!" Lindsey winked and grabbed Stevie's hand, leading her with him to the door. He unlocked it and they made their way inside, Stevie grinning excitedly 

"We bought a house!" Stevie she giggled, resting her hands on his shoulders.

"I know!"Lindsey smirked and kissed her, picking her up and spinning her around and they continued snogging passionately as he spun around the house with her, until suddenly starting to slip on something, but he balanced quickly and placed Stevie back on the ground.

"Linds, I thought you were going to drop me!" Stevie panted and then saw him looking down on the ground "What?" Stevie asked.

"Is that a dress!" Lindsey said shocked like he had just seen a new species of animal.

"Yeh, wow, it must be like another ten million made the same!" Stevie giggled.

"A dress in the middle of the room and look at the buttons!" He stated.

"Maybe it broke!" Stevie shrugged then paused "Where are the girls, I hope they are ok!"

"I bet they are having wild lesbian sex!" Lindsey grinned wickedly.

"You are awful Mr Buckingham, so awful!" Stevie laughed, shaking her head.

"Well where are they, lets make a bet, I bet those women are fucking up the hall!" Lindsey chuckled.

"Christine was sick and they wouldn't be doing that, it isn't a Playboy magazine, these are our bandmembers who we will be living with, its rude to assume!" Stevie giggled "They could hate gay people and stuff anyway and then hate us!" She frowned.

"Mick and John fuck, its obvious they are backdoor lovers!" Lindsey stated grinning "Look how long they are taking to unload the alcohol!" Lindsey scoffed "I bet they are out there making out or doing more!" He laughed.

"You have a dirty mind Lindsey Buckingham!" Stevie tutted smiling then they heard muffled noises from up the hall and Lindsey was shocked to see a fully dressed Jenny.

"Hey, you are back, how did it go?" She asked smiling and finger combing her golden hair.

"It went good!" Stevie smiled "All the papers are signed and going to be official very soon!"

"That's wonderful!" Jenny nodded happily, then Mick and John trundled inside, laughing as they carried in a box of spirits and wine and a carton of beer. 

"We bought the house babe!" Mick grinned, waving at Jenny as he set down the box on the breakfast bar.

"I know, its so exciting!" Jenny grinned back, glad too, she was sick of juggling her daughters and trying to care for Christine at the same time, it was hard. If they all lived together it would be so much easier for her.

"Where is Chris?" John asked.

"Her dress is there!" Lindsey chuckled, pointing at the dress and holding back a smirk.

"Oh sorry about that, Chris threw up on herself, I should have gotten rid of this earlier, I'm terribly sorry!" Jenny said quickly, bending down and picking up the dress, hurriedly walking off with it to the laundry to hide her blushing pink cheeks.

Mick held back a laugh and John was worried Jenny had fisted Christine again and hurt her "I'm just going to check on her!" He nodded and scurried up the hall, soon finding her, redressing "Are you alright?" He asked worried, rushing over to her.

"Yes!" She chuckled, grinning at him.

"Jenny fucked you again?" John asked, rubbing her back.

"Are you mad?" Christine frowned.

"No, what did she do though?" John panicked.

"She went down on me, rubbed my clit and we snogged, thats all!" Christine smiled and cupped John's face "Your still my one and only!"

John smiled and pulled her into a hug "How are you feeling?"

"Better for now!" Christine giggled.

"The house is bought so our future will be more stable!"  John smiled and rubbed her stomach.

"I'm glad!" Christine smiled and kissed him, pulling him closer. She felt safer now knowing they would all live together and the pregnancy scared her less. She started feeling like it would all be ok as she relaxed in his arms, nestling against him. 

Mick gave Lindsey a beer and poured a glass of wine for Stevie "Chrissy likes this one, I hope you do to!" He winked handing her the glass.

"Thank you!" Stevie grinned, taking it and sipping the ruby liquid "Yum, she has good taste!" Stevie stated. 

"She sure does!" Mick chuckled his mind goes sexually again, thinking of the McVies.

"So we are all able to move in within a few weeks!" Lindsey smiled.

"We also have the album too, such a bright future for us all!" Mick grinned, nodding.

"Is there any type of initiation? " Lindsey asked grinning.

"Yeh, I have to fuck you both!" Mick grinned and Lindsey's eyes went wide.

"Its not that bad!" Christine said chuckling from behind them and John laughed as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Yeh, Mick is big but we adjusted to his size!" John grinned, winking.

"You mean we have to have an orgy before we can join?" Lindsey laughed.

"No you can choose if you want to or not!" Mick laughed loudly.

"Stop it, you are scaring them!" Jenny tutted returning and they all burst out laughing loudly. 

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