Surprise Visit

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"Should we have actually cleared this more with Christine first?" asked John as they drove to where Stevie and Lindsey were residing.

"Chris is drugged up, we have to be the responsible ones!" Mick smiled

"I miss her old self, she seems to mellow with the sedatives!" John sighed.

"You will regret that once they wear off, your hear the rumours about pregnancy making woman angry, Chris will kill us, imagine if it twins, that will make her smash our heads together!" Mick chuckled "She sure seems more pissed of with me though!" 

"Because you keep saying dumb shit to her, you love winding her up, but we have to try not to, its probably bad for her and the baby if she is angry!" John explained.

"I know, I don't mean too, I just say dumb things, I'm a joker!" Mick grinned.

"You sure are!" John chuckled "I hate to interrupt but are we going the right way? Have you got the map the right way Mick?"

Mick looked at it "Shit, I was giving you directions to get pizza!" He grinned.

"Mick, we need to organise the housing shit, we cant be responsible for Chris by ourselves, we need Jenny!" John exclaimed like his life depended on it.  He was afraid he would do something wrong when caring for Christine if the sedatives were more long term then he thought.

"I'm only joking Johhnyboy, I am giving the directions right, I want this too, but we are getting pizza after, Jenny said Chris wanted to murder us and she will too if she finds no mice in the lettuce!" 

John shook his head laughing "Are we nearly there, I want pizza now too!" 

Lindsey and Stevie were cuddled up on the rug of their small lounge room with just a blanket tossed over both of them.  They had a bit of a big night themselves, celebrating how well everything was going with their new band members and working on some songs together, while getting stoned and then making love out there.

There was a knock on the door and Lindsey shot up in shock, flinging Stevie off himself  "Ow, you fucking idiot!" She yelled annoyed as he leapt up .

"Sorry babe, you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yes but you are such a jumpy dork when you get woken up!" She giggled.

"Hello?" called a British voice.

"Fuck, it must be our band!" Lindsey laughed.

"Our band!" She beamed "We are in a band Lindsey!"

"Yeh, with weirdos!" Lindsey quipped and grabbed the blanket off her, wrapping it around himself.

"Hey, I am not on display for them!" Stevie laughed.

"We should both be naked and see what they do, I know something odd is happening with those three, they are either fags and the woman is a hooker with AIDS or they are all fucking and she is a druggie, no one can be that sick!" 

"Linds, fags is mean!" Stevie whined "You have been with Richard so that makes you one too anyway, why cant you choose a nicer word!" Stevie stated.

"I don't mean it as an insult Steph, I don't care who fucks what, I'm just sayin' !" He laughed, pulling his jeans on and going to the door, opening it just as he did his zip up "Hello!" He smiled seeing Mick and John.

"Thank fuck, I thought it was the wrong place!" Mick chuckled.

"Early time to visit!" Lindsey grinned. 

"Its midday!" Mick laughed "Can we come in?"

"Just a sec!" Lindsey nodded "Steph, you dressed?" He yelled out.

Stevie called back "Just a minute!" as she fumbled around putting on her dress that was tossed beside Lindsey's guitar.

"Sorry, she was naked!" Lindsey chuckled, still feeling high.

"Lucky you, I didn't get anything yesterday, neither did John, were starving!" Mick chucked and John elbowed him "Starving for pizza!" Mick grinned and Lindsey nodded smiling, looking at them and thinking 'what the actual fuck, they even know when the other gets lucky, gay dudes, cool, I was right, I will make a bet with Stevie and win!  

Mick wondered why Lindsey was smiling so much, but he thought his smile was cute, John rolled his eyes knowing Mick was checking him out "Well good morning, sorry if we woke you!" John smiled.

"Its fine, we will have crazier time schedules if you guys keep us in the band!" Lindsey said, worried they were there to end things already.

"Your in the band, we just came down to sort some stuff!" John smiled, sensing the younger man was nervous.

"Cool, come inside!" Lindsey smiled, letting them in, still a little worried.

"We want to live with you pair!" Mick blurted out smiling at Lindsey.

"What?" the American asked laughing.

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