Secrets And Shocks

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Mick had soon returned with the toast after some awkward conversation with a very inquisitive Stevie who kept trying to ask in concern if she could help with anything to do with Christine and asking about her supposed 'flu' which Mick had awkwardly lied about and kept changing the subject, awfully and obvious though by even bringing up the weather and then talking to Stevie about how nice Lindsey's afro was, which had all made Stevie more concerned about Christine and she also just assumed Mick was high.

Christine was laying, half sat up against Jenny who kept playing with her hair soothingly to try and relax her as she slowly ate a piece of burnt toast, hoping it would ease her stomach "Shouldn't we just give her another one of those, you know, those things that go up her ass to make her not throw up?" Mick asked plonking down in the corner chair wishing she felt better. 

"I just want my ass left the fuck alone!" Christine snapped and glared at Mick, then John as she took an angry bite of the toast, the crunch echoing through the room seeming still 

John had basically been silent the whole morning, not offering opinions and was still copping most of the brunt of Christine's moods "Are you feeling any better at all?" He asked wishing he could do more to help her.

She shrugged and then glared "Does it fucking look like I am?" 

"Honey, just try to relax, eat the toast and forget about those idiots, you and the baby need feeding!" Jenny soothed and Christine tried to listen to her and continued to eat after another angry glance at Mick and John. 

John looked over at Mick who had relaxed back into his chair with a look of hopelessness and he did his best to gesture with his hands and eyes as if to say 'she is going to kill us non-stop for the whole pregnancy, she blames us!"  

John gave him a glance back and a soft nod replying mentally with a "Yeah I know, we are even more dead if it its twins"

Mick then decided to speak "Stevie is worried about you too, she is out there making you some herbal tea, you should tell her you are knocked up, she keeps asking question and I am a shit liar!" Mick then said cautiously, not liking keeping one of their new additions in the dark and also knowing he would blurt it out by accident.

"What and tell her how I don't know which one of you wankers knocked me up?" Christine snapped.  

"We do have to tell Buckingham Nicks though, they are going to live with us and make an album with us!" Mick stated and John rubbed his head, expecting Christine to get up and start pummelling him if he didn't shut up, he saw his point but wasn't going to dare to say anything.

"We can't tell them about the fucking threesomes, they will hate us and think we are freaks!" Christine exclaimed.

"They already seem to know, you heard the jokes!" Mick replied.

"Jokes are different Mick, its different to you both saying you fucked me and I pregnant from our three ways!" Christine yelled and then heard a gasp in the doorway, they all turned their heads and saw Stevie standing there with a cup in her hand and she chewed on her lip nervously angry at herself for gasping in shock as Christine's face went bright red "Fuck, please tell me I am either dead or in a nightmare!" She sighed softly, into her hand as she hid her face, wanting to curl and hide under the bed, she was so humiliated, Stevie just heard what she said, never had she felt so embarrassed and foolish in her entire life.

"Well, um, hi Stevie!" Mick smiled, trying to fill the void of silence while Jenny and John looked at Stevie as well.

"Hi, I just made a herbal tea to help with the nausea Christine was suffering from!" Stevie smiled shyly, still in shock, also feeling bad for Christine, she was curled up and looked humiliated not even looking at anyone, Stevie wanted to tell her it would all be alright but she had no idea what to do or say since it sounded like Christine wasn't happy about the pregnancy and she didn't want to say something that could upset her further.

"Thank you!" John said clearing her throat as he got up "Mick, why don't we let the ladies have some privacy, get a breakfast made for Stevie and Lindsey and the rest of us?" John suggested ignoring his hangover and just wanting Christine to feel better.

Mick nodded and got up, gladly following John. 

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