Getting Better

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Christine stirred between John and Mick, soon opening her eyes "Hey babe, how are you?" John asked, stroking her head.

Christine swallowed, her mouth was dry and as she opened her eyes, the light annoyed her immensely "I still feel like shit but I'm hungry now!" She muttered, rubbing her eyes.

"That's good, lets get Pizza!" Mick grinned, rubbing her side.

"We should be feeding her bland food Mick!" John exclaimed.

Mick rolled his eyes but new John was right "Well give her some boring rubbish but what do you feel like Chris, what do you want to eat?" Mick asked, playing with her hair.

"I don't give a fuck, I just want food!" She snapped.

"Do you still feel sick, like throw up sick?" John asked, cupping her face.

"Yes but not like I need to throw up, just like I need to eat, let me up too, I need a fucking drink!" She groaned.

"You can drink alcohol, you have to take pills and drinking isn't probably good for our baby!" Mick exclaimed.

"I meant water you dumb fuck!" Christine rolled her eyes at him.

"I will go get you a glassful!" Mick nodded getting out the bed, un-bothered by her insults.

"Feel free to spike it with vodka!" Christine added, rolling onto her back.

Mick laughed and continued leaving up the hall "How are you really?" John asked, gently resting his hand on her stomach, which made her actually feel pregnant, so she pushed his hand away.

"I told you, like shit!  I want some drugs, a drink, a ciggie!" She stated in an annoyed grumble.

"Well Mick is going to bring Jenny over and she is going to help you with the pills to take that will help you with the cravings!"

"Real great, hey Jenny, Mick and John knocked me up, John and I have been getting fucked by your husband, yay!" Christine said sarcastically, replicating a happy tone. "Jenny will want to punch my fucking face in!"

"She will not, she will just want to punch her hand into your pussy again!" John laughed.

"Fuck off!" Christine shook her head laughing a little bit "By the way too, I'm cutting you and Mick off too! No touching me down there or trying to fuck me until I feel a lot better, which might not be for a long time, Christine is closed at the moment!" She said wryly.

"I understand, this is your way of making us pay for impregnating you, I don't want to fuck you anyway, your liable to throw up on Mick and me!" John laughed.

"Your not supposed to understand, your supposed to be pissed off!" She snapped.

"I just know you wont be able to go without sex for very long once you feel better!" John laughed.

Christine sat up in the bed, giving John the finger and glaring.

"You want to finger fuck me?" John teased.

Christine shook her head growling "I'm going to piss!" She stated, climbing out the bed shakily "Can I actually go to the toilet after you put that stupid thing in me?"

'Yes, its been over an hour so I guess so!" He smiled "I think that's what the packet said!"

Christine rolled her eyes and paused as she stood up, feeling lightheaded, John knew instantly and knew she was too proud to ask for help "I'm helping you there, your still not well and you could fall or something!" John said jumping up and helping her walk to the bathroom, he knew she was angrier than when she was stoned, he could understand why she was not happy about the whole situation, it was a big shock for all of them and John knew Christine was scared of acknowledging the baby because she feared she would miscarry.

Christine loved John but didn't know how well he could actually read her, she liked thinking she was a closed book and was hard to read, but deep down she knew John could always read her and Mick could too at times.

She would never admit it, but she felt a lot better with him supporting her, she didn't feel very stable so it was good how he helped her to the bathroom "You can fuck off now or is watching me turning you on?" Christine asked irritated as he watched her sit on the toilet.

"I was making sure you were sitting first, I do love you and am worried you will pass out or something!" He stated and walked out of the room.

Once she was finished, she leant against the wall as she made her way out "My ass is sore from your stupid finger and that dumb thing you shoved in me!" She whined.

"I'm sorry, but at least it must be helping you, you appear to be less stoned and aren't throwing up yet!" He said rubbing her back and helping her back to the bed, tucking her in as she frowned.

"Surprise Mummy and Daddy! Daddy two got some toast and water for Mama and bubba!" Mick grinned making John smile warmly. 

"Do you have to be so fucking cheery? Was this your conquest was it?" Christine snapped.

"No but accidents happen and I'm giving you my support! John and I love you Chrissy, and we are all going through this, but we will manage, I know your going to keep the baby too!" Mick smiled resting the toast plate on her lap "Everything will be fine, its us three and we can do anything!" Mick winked, resting his hand on her leg.

"Good point Mick, we can, so cheer up chicken!" John smiled and kissed Christine's forehead "Eat this and you will feel better, will you go fetch Jenny, she needs to help sort out Christine's pills because I am worried we will fuck up or Chris will try to OD!" 

"Fuck off, I'm not going to top myself over this!" She snapped.

"I meant to get high silly!" John laughed.

"Yeh, well that's believable!" She sniggered wanting a few lines or another joint.

"If I don't return it means Jenny killed me, so bye!" Mick chuckled, kissing John on the lips and then Christine "See you pair later, love you both!" Mick smiled.

"Did you call a cab?" John asked "Your not drinking high!"

"I called one, it should be here in a few seconds!" Mick winked and gave John an extra kiss, they all hoped things would go good with Jenny, Christine needed the extra support and they wanted help for all the medical stuff so she was looked after. 


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