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"Mick is high, sorry!" John laughed thinking how awful this was going and how dumb it was too ask people they barely new to help buy a house with them, even if they were their new band members.

"Um okay!" Lindsey nodded, awkwardly laughing "Come in!" He ushered, trying to be polite and the two men followed him in the small apartment.  

Stevie fluttered about, clearing Lindsey's shirt and their underwear quickly off the floor, tidying the lounge room as quick as possible, then finger combing her hair "Hi!" She grinned, rushing over to them all "Can I get you anything?"

"Nah thanks, we're right!" John smiled.

"I could have some Pizza, but we are getting that after!" Mick smiled winking at Stevie like she was a pizza and he wanted to eat her there and then. 

Stevie smiled shyly and lurked near Lindsey shyly, she hadn't been around many other people since being with Lindsey, even though she worked two jobs, she still felt like a naïve child lost in the real world "I er, have some creamy chicken from last night!" she smiled.

"Creamy chicken, Christine when she gets creaming!" Mick whispered to John and John went red in the face holding back laughter at Mick's crude joke. 

"Mick is a little bonkers at the moment!" John grinned, noticing the stare from the couple "He found out he is going to be a Dad again!" John smiled trying to explain more so they didn't think Mick was insane.

"So is John!" Mick smiled.

"I am not!" John glared forcing a laugh, not wanting them to know Christine was pregnant yet, it was up to Christine to tell them.

"But it could be yours too!" Mick exclaimed and John shot him an angry look.

Lindsey stood their scratching his head in confusion "Do you guys want a beer, I have a few of those and Steph has wine!" 

"Beer will be fine!" John smiled and he made idle chit chat trying to keep Mick for being over the top and hassling too much.

The four soon sat down in the lounge room that stank of marijuana and sage incense "So what's up boys?" Lindsey asked, lighting a joint which Stevie snatched with a giggle the moment it was burning and she took a large inhale, trying to not be so shy.

"Well us folk aren't citizens yet, but we want to buy a bigger house, so we were wondering if we give you pair the money, you both buy it in your name and we all live there!" Mick smiled.

Lindsey nearly choked and laughed "Mate, you must be off your face, you cant buy us a house!"

"Well we are kind of lending you the money, once we hit stardom you can can pay it back, like a loan!" Mick smiled, trying to convince them. He wanted his wife, daughters and his Mcvies in the same house, his little, growing family.

Stevie instantly wanted it, she was sick of being a cleaning lady and working at a shitty diner with annoying people and she gazed at Lindsey, watching his expression.

"So like a loan, but what if we don't reach stardom, then what?" Lindsey shrugged.

"There is no 'if we don't Bucky, we fucking will!" Mick grinned "We are the magic five!" 

Lindsey chuckled and took the joint back off Stevie "How will we pay you I mean!" Lindsey laughed "We are all supposed to live together, you could be serial killers or sex cult!" He stated and everyone started laughing.

"Well we are not serial killers!" Mick chuckled "Right Johnny!"

"Mick wouldn't hurt a fly, he makes his wife kill spiders!" John grinned.

"Hey, bad penguin!" Mick teased and swatted at John's arm playfully, them both giggling.

Lindsey nudged Stevie's leg with his own, smirking and mouthing 'gay' at her which made her  shake her head "Gay guys are supposed to be wonderful friends!" He whispered in her ear!" happily,

"Stop it, you'd know, Richard's dick hut!" She teased and they both burst out into a fit of laughter.

"So is it a yes?" Mick asked after calming from his laughing fit.

"Are you bunch a sex cult?" Lindsey asked with a wry smirk.

Mick grinned "Would you like if we were?" 

"Mick stop teasing them !" John laughed "We have to give them time to think about it, lets go have a cig, give them a chance to talk, the lady probably doesn't want us smoking in here!" John smiled warmly at the young couple and Stevie instantly took a liking to him. 

"Linds smokes in here, mostly the green but, I don't mind, but it would be good to sort it now, since you pair drove all this way!" Stevie smiled.

"Come on Mick!" John smiled back dragged his lover out of the room.

Lindsey and Stevie both waited until they heard the door close "Linds, we have to!" She squealed, clapping her hands.

"Stevie, nothing is ever that easy!" He stated.

"They are lovely!" Stevie exclaimed.

"They are Steph, but a whole house, we have to share obviously with them!"

"Lindsey we have lived with Richard for years, I don't want to be a cleaning lady anymore, I want to be a star!" Stevie said in a desperate fairy tale like voice.

"Stevie, it will be more complicated!" Lindsey stated.

"What have we got to loose Linds?" She asked "We have a real chance!"

"How serious are they about the music, I have heard they went through heaps of band members, we show up to the wrong house and the Christine was sick, I don't know Steph!" Lindsey sighed.

"Lindsey, its an adventure!" Stevie grinned "Lets do it, take the chance, say yes!"

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