First Of Many Nights

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"What are you girls doing?" Mick asked entering the spare room after hearing Stevie and Jenny laughing.

"Just talking!" Jenny smiled and looked at Mick with a grin.

"What else would I be implying?" Mick whispered, stood close to his wife and Jenny replied to him by simply shaking her head and rolling her eyes at him.

Stevie didn't notice their banter, she was too busy sitting down in the corner armchair and unzipping her brown leather boots, happy to free her aching feet and she felt at home already, warmed and happy from how welcoming and fun her new band family seemed.

"Hey you lot, how is it going?" John asked peering his head into the doorway.

"Just getting the room set up for Stevie and Lindsey!" Jenny smiled, making sure the bed was almost done.

"Where is Lindsey?" Mick then asked.

"He went to piss!" John replied bluntly as he strided into the room "After you make the bed Jen, Chris asked to see you!" He added, still worried about Christine's health immensely. 

"Oh, of course, is she alright?" Jenny asked, worried and Mick was worried too and they both stared at John for an answer, concerned for Christine and the baby or babies. 

"She threw up again but seems just tired!" John explained shrugging and unsure because Christine often downplayed how she felt too.

"Aw poor Chris, I think some mint or green tea will help, parsley can help too and if she has a flu, thyme is great!" Stevie advised.

"She has a stomach bug though!" Mick replied.

"I can still help with some things for that though, I often get ill from really rich foods not to the extent of vomiting but I still know ways to help nausea!" Stevie smiled, standing up barefoot from the chair and wanting to help Christine.

"That's good, maybe you can recommend some things then, Chris feels worse in the morning so I am sure she will like the advice in the morning!" Jenny smiled warmly, glad Stevie was trying to help and she thought she was very sweet and kind, also caring but she was worried Christine would snap at her if she offered her advice too.

"Ok, I would love to give her some tips and remedies in the morning!" Stevie beamed, happy at the prospect of helping Christine feel better.

"Thank you, I am sure she will like that!" Mick smiled, also hoping Christine wouldn't throw Stevie's kind gesture back in her face.

"I will be pleased to help!" Stevie smiled and nodded as she started to take off her shawl and drape it softly over the corner chair, to also hint to the others that she was tired and getting ready for bed.

Jenny quickly noticed after realising she had her eyes on Stevie for a little longer than she should have, but Stevie was so enchanting in a mystical way and the delicate and charming way she did things was a mix of adorable, whimsical and sexy, Jenny hadn't seen or met someone as entrancing and different as Stevie before, but she also worried if Christine recovered enough and got better as her pregnancy went on, she was worried Christine would lose interest in her and want Stevie more, Jenny then thought she was being silly, because Stevie was with Lindsey anyway and no one else probably would even be inclined to join their lifestyle of open marriages or whatever it was classified as, Jenny didn't know herself what her, Mick, John and Christine were, maybe friends with benefits or swingers, she didn't know and was too tired herself to over think it "Come on boys, Stevie looks like she wants some sleep and I have to go see Chris anyway!" Jenny exclaimed and gave Stevie and smile.

Stevie was grateful Jenny noticed her subtle hints and nodded "I am a bit sleepy, wine and weed do that to me!" the petite woman giggled and then she glanced up over to the door as Lindsey softly pushed his way in, trying to take in the cosiness of the room without being obvious "Thanks for letting us crash here for the night!" He nodded, kicking off his shoes and smiling warmly.

"No need for a thanks, we cant have you pair driving off drunk and stoned, as the new members of our family, you need to be pampered and protected!" Mick chuckled, playfully bowing and everyone laughed and giggled.

"Well come on then and let the two poor lovebirds have their rest!" Jenny laughed, grabbing Mick's arm and then John's so the young lovers could have their peace and quiet, she also wanted to check on Christine.

"Of course!" Mick laughed.

"Have a good sleep!" John smiled at Stevie and Lindsey before walking out of the room.

"Goodnight and let me know if you need anything!" Jenny smiled before following the men out.

"Thank you all!" Stevie called out and then flopped down onto the bed the moment the door was closed "I am so tired!" She chuckled to Lindsey.

"I can guess why, did the model feel you up?" Lindsey teased as he peeled his shirt off himself.

"Dream on, she is married, just very sweet and lovely!" Stevie stated and then smiled.

"They are all very welcoming to us, its like a sex cult and you know Juniper was fucking the Christine woman earlier, hence the dress!" Lindsey exclaimed quietly as he took of his belt, then his jeans.

"Her name is Jennifer Juniper and she goes by Jenny!" Stevie corrected "I still don't think her and Christine are homosexual either, Christine is ill, she wouldnt be up to any homosexual antics in the state she is in!" Stevie stated, slipping under the blanket.

"Well I know I am right and deep down you do too, at least being part of the orgy, I mean band, shall be fun!" Lindsey laughed as he laid down beside Stevie and started growling as he playfully kissed all over her neck, making her giggle as his beard tickled her soft skin.

"Stop it!" she laughed loudly, swatting at him gently as she burst into a fit of giggling and they started kissing after he finished kissing her neck.

Meanwhile John and Mick led Jenny to the kitchen "Chris needs food!" Mick stated looking at Jenny for an answer.

"Well obviously, she is growing a baby in her, of course she needs food, move aside while I make some toast!" Jenny whispered, slipping in behind Mick and grabbing the load of bread. 

*Finally updated and I hope to more frequent if everyone still enjoys it :D*

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