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"I'm sorry to be like this, I'm usually more together than they are!" Christine laughed at Stevie who was looking concerned.

"You are sick you poor thing, you cant control that, we all over drink, sometimes I drink so much I can only eat toast for a whole day and I keep throwing up, its so horrible, why do we drink!" Stevie giggled, rushing her sentence to get all the words in.

"Stevie nearly dies when she over drinks, my little angel!" Lindsey smirked, wrapping his arm around Stevie and kissing the top of her head, which made her giggle, he still felt like something odd was going on with his new bandmembers.

"You big softie Linds!" She laughed, nestling against him.

"Um could you pair move, I need to get my wife inside!" John said trying to be polite as he felt Christine tensing up, worried she would be sick again.

"Oh sorry!" Stevie exclaimed worried.

"We can come back another time if its better, we just presumed you three really needed us, like Steves and I need the cash and this record deal and you all said you needed us as soon as we could, but if Chrissy is too sick?" Lindsey mused, watching as Christine clamped her hand over mouth again "I really hate to ask but is it just a hangover, because she seems way too sick, especially with how she knocked back drinks at the restaurant, I presumed she could out drink America, which is cool, but is she like well, ill, is it catchable?"  Lindsey asked, his biggest fear was getting sick after having Mono a few years ago, he was a little paranoid, Stevie was too. 

"Lindsey!" Stevie squealed playfully hitting his arm, also annoyed at his bluntness.

"Don't worry, no one can catch was she has, especially us men!" Mick stated, rubbing Christine's back. 

"Well what is it, some woman thing, let me guess, she is on her rags, Stevie gets all sick and grumpy with hers!" Lindsey concluded.

"Lindsey!" Stevie squeaked embarrassed "Stop it!" 

Mick started laughing loudly "Well our Chris isn't going to have that issue for a while is she John?" Mick grinned and Christine was getting so angry that it made her feel worse and she clamped her hand over her mouth, starting to throw up in front of them all, Lindsey leaping backward and hiding behind Stevie like a tsunami was going to hit him.

Christine fell to her knees, John and Mick both trying to help her best they could. 

"Just get me inside!" Christine pleaded, embarrassed and feeling weak as they pulled her away from dry heaving on the ground.

The minute Christine was standing best she could, John quickly scooped her into his arms, bridal style and carried her into the now unlocked house, taking her straight to the bedroom, leaving everyone else outside "I'm so humiliated, you and Mick, you did this to me!" She whined, more upset than angry at that moment as John laid her on the bed.

"I know Chris, I'm sorry, so is Mick, we hate seeing you like this, but we are both here for you!" John softly smiled "You still have options too, your only two months along!"

Christine gulped and then glared at him as she realized what he meant "I am not doing that John, how the fuck could you even suggest it, are you going to hate the baby, if there is one, will you not want it because we don't know if its yours or Mick's? You stupid bastard!" Christine snapped.

"Chris, I didn't mean that!  I will love the baby if you keep it, I always wanted a baby, you were scared, I am telling you I support whatever you want because its you body and your so unwell, I don't want you to feel trapped, that never works good if you feel trapped, I love you and I will love the baby too!" John smiled, gently resting his hand on her stomach "I just don't want to force you into anything, this is your choice and the main thing is getting you sober from the pot and getting you to eat something, I got some things from the pharmacy!"

"Thank you!" Christine stammered, shakily grabbing his hand, he was being an angel to her, as mad as she was, she knew deep down it was an accident and she felt too sick to fight "What are the things from the pharmacy?" She asked.

"Mick is going to get Jenny to come around, she will no more, Mick and I are dumb with all this, Jenny has had two babies before!" John stated and hurried away, filling an empty alcohol glass with water from the tap in their ensuite "Here!" He smiled and she gladly took and drank the water to ease her burning throat, it felt on horrible after all the vomiting.

Christine liked the thought of Jenny helping her until she recalled how Mick and Jenny were married and Christine didn't know who the father of her unborn baby was "Jenny will hate me!"

John paused, still thinking Jenny fisted Christine out of vengeance "Why don't you tell the new girl, she seems innocent and sweet!" John suggested. 

Christine shook her head "I can take care of myself!" 

"No, your really struggling with the pregnancy Chris and the doctor prescribe a whole heap of stuff for you to take!" John looked away.

"Just give it to me, I feel dead John!"

"They, well go up your..." 

"My ass?" Christine rolled her eyes "I don't care anymore, just give them here, surely they aren't to big!"

"Nothing can be the size of Mick's tusk!" John laughed.

"Mick's tusk caused this!" Christine frowned.

"Accidents Chris, Mick asked if you were safe to fuck, I said you were, so its really my fault, I thought you were on some birth control besides the occasional condom!"

Christine nodded exhausted "Just give me the rubbish I have to shove up my ass!"

"I will help you okay, your too sick to do it yourself, your stoned and half delirious!"

Christine nodded again at him "Just help me John!" She softly pleaded, dazed and psychically weak. 

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