Best Friends Forever

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"Oh Chris!" Jenny exclaimed sadness and sympathy flooding her as she looked at her distraught best friend, Christine was so upset and so worried it made Jenny feel upset for her. She felt so truly sorry for Christine, she wanted to be angry but couldn't be even if she tried "I could never hate you!" Jenny stated and pulled Christine into a hug "You will be okay, I will help you okay Chrissy, I'm here, I'm not mad, I know it was an accident!" Jenny soothed rubbing Christine's back.

Christine just burst into tears and clung to Jenny, everything hitting her harder, all the mixed emotions and she was so glad that Jenny was there, holding her, that helped a little bit, she felt like she didn't deserve Jenny's friendship "I'm sorry!" She sniffled, she just wished her own mother was there to hug her and help her through the whole scary pregnancy and maybe the birth if the baby was alright.

"Its alright, don't stress, I'm here to help you, its alright!" Jenny cooed, rubbing Christine's back as Christine continued crying, Christine was still so scared, every worst case scenario rushing through her head.

"Honey, are you okay?" John asked. 

"Fuck off John!"  Christine mumbled, angry he saw her cry.

John nodded and left, then he mouthed the words slowly to Jenny who was looking at him "No fisting her!"

Jenny frowned and rolled her eyes shaking her head, thinking how dumb him and Mick were being, Christine's whole world was falling apart, she was clearly terrified, Mick was stoned and John was acting like a caveman "I've got you its, okay, talk Chris please, crying will give you a headache!" 

Christine gulped and the pulled back slowly "I smoked some pot in the car and at the clinic, I don't get upset, my eyes are watering, that's all, from um, your perfume!" Christine stammered, making Jenny smile inwardly.

"I'm not wearing any perfume because I was worried it would annoy the girls!" Jenny smiled.

"Well your shampoo then!" Christine stuttered.

"Yes, it must be that, sorry!" Jenny faked "Now, lets talk shall we, you also need to finish this tasty toast!" Jenny added, glancing at the plate. Christine pulled back from Jenny about to get out the bed but Jenny grabbed her hand "Don't run away sweetie, I'm here for you!" 

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Christine stammered.

"Are you going to throw up?" Jenny asked worried, leaping up and helping her best friend out of the bed.

Christine shook her head "Please don't ask, I just need to use the bathroom more!" 

Jenny nodded and helped Christine there, soon helping her back in the bed "Have some water, just little sips before you finish eating!" Jenny smiled handing Christine the glass, which Christine took and sipped "Before we talk, I want that whole glass drank and this toast eaten!" 

Christine sighed "Why do you bother with me?" She asked gulping with insecurity.

"Your my best friend, now look!" Jenny smiled, picking up a piece of toast and biting it, then chewing and swallowing "Now, that's yummy, come on, open up!" She winked, poking the toast at Christine's lips "You need it, now eat, then I can sort your pills out, but I want you fed and hydrated first!"

Christine sighed heavily and then started laughing as Jenny fed her "This is fucking bonkers!" She giggled cutely. 

Jenny was glad to make Christine happy again "No, you liked being taken charge of and I am helping you so eat it all, you will feel better, now let me feed you or I will tie you up and feed you!" 

"Jenny, if I wasn't half dead, that would be a turn on, depending on what you would be feeding me!" Christine laughed, glancing down at between Jenny's legs.

"Someone must be feeling better!" Jenny laughed, pulling her mini dress down more, realising it had ridden up revealing her baby blue underwear.

"I wish  felt better!" Christine smiled sadly.

Jenny pulled her into another hug and kissed her cheek "Please eat, I want you to eat this food too see if you can keep it down, or you may need the hospital, one of Pattie's friends did and I know you hate medical bullocks, so I am trying to keep you out of  that predicament!"

Christine rolled her eyes and shakily ate all the toast, also drinking the water.  Her eyes felt extra sensitive and her nose felt blocked like she had snorted too much cocaine, but it was clearly from crying "Thanks!" She muttered, looking away from Jenny. 

"Lay down now!" Jenny soothed and Christine did so "Do you want me in there with you?" She asked and Christine nodded, Jenny slid in and pulled the blanket over them both, Christine rolled on her side to look at Jenny, Jenny gently finger combed her messy hair and pulled her closer, kissing her forehead. "You don't need to thank me, I am here to help you with your pregnancy, I may be Mick's wife, but I love you very much too, or don't you like me anymore after my hand got stuck in you?" Jenny asked worried.

"Jen, I love you very much as well, but I have hurt you, Mick fucked me!" Christine stated, looking directly at Jenny. 

"You hate your birthday, you always act a little cuckoo, I don't blame you for what occurred, I don't even mind anymore! I feel more bad that my hand got stuck in you, we are all adults and Mick and I were pretty much divorced, you didn't even have a chance to talk to me if it was okay, because Amy just started kindy!"

Christine smiled, resting her shaking hand on Jenny's.

"Your shaking even after eating!" Jenny stated.

"The doctor said I'm withdrawing, the pills are for that, my alcohol and drug abuse, she says I have the DT's " Christine gulped, squeezing Jenny's hand.

"Oh Chris,  no wonder your so upset, this is all so much at once!" Jenny sighed.

"I have drank and smoked daily since I was eighteen!" Christine stammered "Now I'm...." Christine gulped then paused "Why are you helping me, you know why I am asking, because of um well!" Christine said softly, looking down at her own stomach.

"You can say it Chris, your pregnant and the baby could be Mick's, accepting your pregnant is the first step! Getting back to the Mick situation, I don't care, him and I are in an open marriage and I am solely here for you, to help you!" Jenny smiled and "Now I want to ask first though, do you want the baby, I realise the pregnancy is confirmed but do you want it?" Jenny asked, rubbing her thumb over Christine's trembling hand. 

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