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Christine still was finding it hard to come to terms with being pregnant, John was still gently rubbing her stomach, trying to make it all seem more real for her, his hand felt warm and comforting "I just want to go home!" Christine stated shakily, looking at him and blinking numerous times to stop herself from crying, she felt so vulnerable and scared, everyone had made her feel stupid and Sally had made her feel like a drug addicted idiot, her mind was also reeling about actually being pregnant.

"I will go see if the prescription stuff is ready, it will be good, something to help you stop throwing up!" John smiled, removing his hand from her stomach and pulling her dress down, then leaving the room after kissing her softly on the lips, she didn't kiss him back though and now felt numb about everything, in shock as it felt more real.

"Come on perk up Chris, I can bring Jenny over to help you if you like, you probably need another lady for this kind of thing and Jenny has had the girls, so she will have pregnancy tips to help you!" Mick suggested.

Christine shrugged "I'm not pregnant Mick!" She said softly, the words sounded weak though and like she didn't even believe her own mind anymore.

"Well river of denial, lets get going, come on Chrissy!" Mick smiled, pulling her up and resting his hand on her back, leading her out of the room and out of the whole clinic while John calmly dealt with Sally.

"I printed some paper work for your wife, its about pregnancy and all the things she will need to expect, things to avoid and all that fun stuff!" Sally smiled.

"I'm sorry she reacted like that!" John stated "Its a big shock for her, she thought she couldn't have kids!"

"Its fine, I just realise she also doesnt like medical procedures, so I think she will prefer reading about pregnancy!" Sally nodded, handing the paperwork to John "The scripts are there as well, suppositories are best for her nausea if she keeps vomiting, she needs to keep fluids and food down or its very bad for her!" Sally explained.

"Suppositories? " asked John as he raised his eyebrows in confusion 

"They are small pills that go into her anally!" Sally smiled calmly. 

"So up her ass, she will love that!" John scoffed.

"There is a medicine to help her but she needs to eat with that, so if she cant keep any food down, the suppositories are better, also keep her hydrated and the rest is in the notes I scrawled down, she really needs to eat though, once she gets something bland in her, she will feel better and be able to take the pills that will help with her withdrawals and nausea, also the pre natal vitamins, the baby needs those after all the drug use. Now I have to go see my next patient!" Sally smiled "Call if you need anything!" and with that she walked off.

John sighed heavily looking at all the papers and scripts, he couldn't believe it all himself, his wife was pregnant, to him or Mick, there was no way of knowing who the father was and he wasn't really bothered by it.

He was just worried about Christine and felt responsible, like he should have been the one to force the issue of safe sex.  The pregnancy had happened at the worst timing possible he knew that, he may have bullshitted to Christine but it was all feeling more real for him the more he mulled over it and he felt worry increase, about Christine's wellbeing and how much the unplanned pregnancy would change all of their lives, he also worried about her, she was so ill and he was concerned she would miscarry and that would upset her further once she came to terms with accepting her pregnancy.

He walked out and found Mick rubbing Christine's back and trying to hold her hair out of the way as she threw up into a garden "Thank fuck you are out, she's all shaky and sick again, we need to get her home!" Mick stated, worried about caring for her by himself now he knew she was pregnant for sure, she was so much sicker than he remembered Jenny being.

"Its morning sickness Mick, a baby is growing inside of her, of course she will sick!" Stated John annoyed "Pull her away, she's just heaving now, she will pull her muscles worse if you keep letting her dry wretch!" He added and Mick listened softly pulling her away from the garden "You alright?" John asked softly, cupping her face.

Christine shook her head, her eyes were watering and she looked pale "I'm not alright!" She snapped.

"I think its twins!" Mick laughed and Christine wiped her mouth and glared.

"If you say the word 'twins' I will kick your cock off!" Christine growled pointing her finger at him angrily.

"Lets just not be annoying to Chris!" John warned looking at Mick as he gently took his wife from Mick and wrapped his arm around her, worried she would fall over, she looked like she was physically weak from all the vomiting also after the blood test and shock of the pregnancy confirmation, he was surprised she hadn't fainted from the shock already, but that was because she was still in some type of denial.

"I need to help her to the car, get the keys out of my pocket and unlock it okay!" John said calmly to Mick.

"Sure penguin!" Mick winked and soon pulled the keys from John's back pocket, going and unlocking the car. John helped Christine in and she just flopped down on the backseat, rubbing her head and curling up shaking.

"I just want to be stoned!" She muttered, squirming to try and get comfortable.

"You can't do that as much Chris, you heard what the doctor said, its bad for the baby!" John stated.

"Go get fucked!" Christine grumbled.

"I have to go fill these at the pharmacy, can you watch her while I'm gone?" John asked Mick.

"Get me murdered!" Mick joked.

"She is too sick to murder you!" John laughed,

"Nah, she could be nearly dead and she would still murder who she wanted to!" Mick stated.

"She is starving and frail, I need you too look after her, the baby is giving her hell!" John said firmly. 

"Of course I can look after her, I am not high enough to not take care of her properly, I love our Chrissy chicken!" Mick smiled, reaching in and rubbing her leg, but she kicked his hand away and muttered another 'fuck off'"Maybe she is withdrawing too quick and that's making her worse?" Suggested Mick.

"I let her smoke some pot in the bathroom at the clinic, give her a few puffs, that should be okay and put a blanket over her, she's shaking so she must be cold!" John said and hurried off.

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