Lettuce Bee

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"What was that smash?" Christine asked worried, already feeling tense enough with what Jenny was starting to do.

"Don't worry about it, the boys were cooking breakfast, just relax!" Jenny soothed rubbing Christine's leg. 

"It sounded like something smashing!" Christine exclaimed.

"I will see after I get this in you, just relax and lay there Chris!" Jenny cooed 'Main thing is to stop you from throwing up and this worked yesterday so it will work again! You and the baby need food and rest, you will also have pulled muscles from all the throwing up, so just relax sweetie, the boys will be fine for a few minutes!"  Jenny said, even though she knew they had clearly done something out there, she had to keep Christine calm "Now relax so it doesn't hurt!" Jenny cooed. 

"I fucking hate this!" Christine whined, rolling her eyes, feeling more like herself as the sedatives began wearing off.

"Fuck, we should clean that up, hopefully they didn't hear!" Mick stammered.

"I am sure they would have heard and I am sure they will notice, that is one of Christine's favourite drinking glasses!" John exclaimed in a loud worried whisper.

"She is drugged up, she wont notice, not yet anyway!" Mick hoped "Go get me that thing!"

"What thing?" John asked.

"That little thing with that little brush that scoops up stuff!" Mick hurried.

"A dustpan and brush?" John queried.

"Yes, yes!" Mick nodded and John bolted to their laundry returning as quick as possible and handing it to Mick and they scurried about cleaning up the broken glass sneakily like they were covering up a murder "Quickly throw something on it in the trash can or the ladies will see it!" Mick said and grabbed what was left of the unpeeled lettuce, tossing it in.

"Mick, that was good food!" John exclaimed.

"There is enough there, we will tell Jenny we found bees in it!" Mick smiled like he had saved the day.

John shook his head "Bees probably wouldn't be in a lettuce, don't bees like sugar or flowers, sweet stuff like honey?" 

"They make honey and we will say we found something else in it!" Mick hurriedly replied then worried "Fuck, what if Jenny checks it!"

"She wont, its ruined now, damn it, it looks nice too, we should be eating healthier, we are going to be Dads, we cant just live on cocaine, pot and booze now!" John said, even though he preferred that diet too. 

"Well we could get it out and wash, put something else over the dead glass!" Mick suggested.

"No, don't worry, I have to put this back, where is the dustpan?" John asked, holding the brush.

"Fuck, I put it in the trash with the glass!" Mick whined.

"Dunce!" John shook his head and went back to the trash can, lifting the lettuce and rescuing the dustpan.

"Don't cut yourself John!" Mick said worriedly.

"I'm okay shush!" John stammered, being careful as he lifted the dustpan out and took it to the sink, washing it.

"Phew close call, we would have been hung!" Mick laughed.

"You are hung!" John grinned glancing at Mick's lower region.

"Naughty penguin!" Mick winked "Feels like forever since we fucked!"

"Probably because we just found out we are gonna be Dads!" John chuckled.

"I think I like the idea of living together, its wonderful!" Mick grinned "We just need to con the new Fleetwood Mac victims into it!" 

"Well maybe we should today, we are useless at looking after Chris! Look at yesterday, you gave her pot and got her stoned and I hurt her ass with that thing, Jenny can be Florence Nightingale, I am worried about our poor little chicken!" John sighed. 

"She will get better, I think Jen was sick at first, but she functioned fine! We just have to cuddle and feed Chrissy and leave the hard stuff for Jen to do!" Mick smiled and John did too.

"What was that noise before?" Jenny asked retuning and washing her hands on the sink, she instantly saw the lettuce gone.

"John found mice in the lettuce!" Mick said smiling and John had to hold back laughing as Jenny looked at him like he was an otherworldly being.

"Mick calls roaches mice!" John laughed.

Jenny looked at them suspiciously and smiled "I bet you pair broke something and are hiding it!"

"No, but Jen!" Mick replied "John and I are going to find the duo and sort out a house for us all, they will do anything for us!"

"Wishful thinking Mick, you aren't God's gift the everyone like you think!" Jenny grinned.

"He does look like Jesus though!" John grinned .

"John, you will give him a God complex, like he doesn't have enough of one already!" Jenny tutted.

"God of Fleetwood Mac and this is my disciple, the penguin!" Mick winked, wrapping his arm around John and leading him away "Now bye Jen, we are going to organise our new home!" Mick winked scurrying away with John.

"Mick, wait, I should actually go check on Chris!" John said. 

"I wouldn't if I were you!" Jenny laughed "I was already in there hugging her and I wrapped her in a blanket until she dozed off again, she is sad because she feels sick, the sedatives are wearing off and she says you hurt her the other day so she hated being giving her the suppository today, she said you and Mick ruined her ass!" Jenny said, blushing a little.

"She wanted it!" Mick exclaimed.

"She is withdrawing, she doesn't mean it!" Jenny laughed "Just a good time to skedaddle!" She smiled.

Mick and John were glad to escape and were soon in the car, driving off.

Jenny hurried from the kitchen as she started going back to preparing the salad "John, Mick, why is there a piece of tomato on the floor?" She called out, then hurried to the door, sighing heavily, annoyed because someone could have slipped on it "How can they be left in charge of Christine?" She asked herself, shaking her head, realising she had made the right decision about all living together. 

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