The Famous Five

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Christine glared at John and Mick, then forcing a smile at Lindsey "The boys are drunk!" She slurred, still feeling the haze of the pot she smoked, she was also feeling the anger return, knowing Mick and John had been fighting and yelling out about their intimate moments, made her want to curl and hide under the car, then she felt a pang of nausea and remembered how she was supposed to be pregnant to John and Mick, that was how she saw it, pregnant to both.

Lindsey nodded "I'm guess you are drunk too!" He laughed, still a little shy, Christine kind of scared him a little for some reason.

"She is, she's sick and I let her get stoned!" Mick laughed.

"Mick, why don't you go unlock the house and get something for Stevie and Lindsey, since you invited them here, now make them feel comfortable!" John stated, annoyed because he just wanted to look after Christine, worried sick about her himself and now they were bombarded by their innocent new band members, he was also pissed off with Mick again. 

"You look really pale Christine, how much have you drank?" Lindsey asked peering in at her, concerned, it was like they were all hiding something and Lindsey was worried they were into very heavy drugs, like other people he heard about. 

"I'm sure over the years, I have drank a lot more than a pretty boy like you!" She winked sarcastically "Go follow Mick inside!" She smiled, she didn't even want to talk to anyone and now she was lumbered with the two new band members when her mind was reeling and she felt dazed and half dead.

"I'm not that young!" Lindsey laughed, finding her amusing, he thought she was quite sexy with her husky voice and her whole presence, he also thought she was very smart and talented, he tried to reimagine what he thought he had earlier, surely the two men hadn't been fighting about Christine and her ass "I do hope you are alright Christine!" 

"Thanks!" Christine nodded swiftly, trying to get out of the car, feeling another wave of nausea hit. 

Mick took the house keys off John and tossed them to Lindsey, Stevie was soon standing shyly beside Lindsey, wanting to know what the hold up was, she had been excited to meet with the band and now they seemed so human, it surprised her "You can unlock the house Mr Buckingham, I have to help these pair unload!" Mick smiled.

Lindsey raised an eyebrow "Um, sure!" He nodded.

Stevie watched in concern, as John helped Christine out the car "Hey Christine, are you alright?" She asked softly. 

"Peachy!" Christine laughed, huddling in the blanket, putting on a show that she was fine.

"I hate to sound rude, but I really need a moment alone with my wife!" John said softly.

Lindsey nodded "Come on Steph!" Lindsey stated, gently grabbing Stevie's hand and tugging her away.

"Christine is ill, I can tell!" Stevie bickered.

"She is John's wife, or shit, sorry is she yours Mick?" Lindsey asked "I was kind of stoned and forgot who was married to her!" Lindsey laughed innocently, trying hard to work out who was married to her.

Mick and John both glanced at each other "Well John is legally married to the sexy woman but we are pretty much all married!" Mick chuckled and John and Christine both felt on edge, wanting to kick him.

"They do say a band is a marriage!" Stevie giggled.

"Guess it will be a five way marriage now!" Lindsey laughed loudly and walked away, wrapping his arm around the petite American. 

"Bet you want his ass!" Mick whispered to John "He's pretty handsome with his hair and eyes!"

"Mick, shut up!" John said in a deadly whisper.

"What about a fivesome, that Stevie would have smaller hands than my Jenny, she could probably put one in each of Christine's lower entrances and double fist her!" Mick chuckled.

"Mick, please sober up!" John said sternly and softly at the same time and Mick felt bad, watching as John helped Christine away from the car, feeling even worse when Christine started trying to throw up again and John helped her over onto the lawn, where she soon was on her hands and knees, throwing up whatever was left in her stomach, John doing his best to help her and comfort her "I'm sorry, I ruined everything!" Mick sighed as John helped the shaking keyboardist up and helped her away "She is so sick, I fucked it all up, if I would have just went that night when you started finger fucking her on the lounge, her life wouldn't be ruined, I am so sorry to both of you, all I ever did was love you both!" Mick exclaimed.

"Mick, we all fucked up!" Christine stammered.

"We have shit to help her now, lets just stick together!" John smiled and patted Mick's back.

"I still am sorry!" He stated feeling a little less high "I do love you both and am here every step of the way!" Mick smiled and kissed John softly on the lips and then kissed Christine's forehead.

"What the fuck have we joined?" Lindsey asked Stevie in a whisper, watching the three from the patio where him and Stevie were sharing a joint "I think they guys are gay or that Mick fucked John's wife, maybe thats the scandal!" Lindsey stated "I knew they were odd,my Dad always said English people were weird, what if they are in a cult!"

"I think English people are enchanting and those three, they seem so nice!" Stevie replied softly "They all seem so funny and sweet, but poor Christine looks so sick!"

"What if she is a hooker who has AIDS or something, maybe they are paying her to pretend to be the penguin guy's wife!" Lindsey whispered.

"Why the hell do you smoke pot? You are so crazy when you do! You just ran around our flat the other night, saying you thought you saw Jimi Hendrix, the pot is bad Linds!"  Stevie stating snatching the joint "Christine is way to smart to be a hooker!" 

"Some are smart!" Lindsey stated.

"How do you know?" Stevie snapped.

"Rumours!"  Lindsey smiled "My brother said so!" 

"These three are our family now, so stop being a dick!" Stevie warned.

Lindsey poked his tongue put and tolled his eyes "You want them, you want them, you want them!" He taunted.

"You are insane!" Stevie laughed.

"I go insane like I always do!" Lindsey grinned, stealing a kiss from Stevie.

"Settle lovebirds!" Mick quipped, helping Christine up the stairs, John on the other side.

"I saw her throw up, peppermint tea, ginger, lemon all help!" Stevie stated, hating to see Christine so sick, everyone stared at her "I know about herbs is all!"

"Good come and take her!" Mick grinned.

"Mick!" Muttered John in annoyance. 

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