Three In The Bed

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The cleaning was all done, now they had to rely that the  house would dry on its own, John and Mick were both tense and Christine enjoyed taunting them by being completely naked, they were all still high and drunk, continuing to indulge in the substances while they cleaned up. 

 Christine felt more outgoing after the night and morning and drug and alcohol use.   She felt confident in front of John and Mick, they made her feel young and sexy again and she couldn't deny that it excited her with their lust filled looks and glances as she roamed around her house naked, it was freeing and she enjoyed it. "Well I think the carpets and rugs will just have to air dry now, marijuana will help get rid of the wet smell!" Christine smiled, flicking her hair from her face.

Mick and John both stared and nodded, admiring Christine's body as she stood in front of them twirling the mop in the bucket "I have some ideas on how to make it up to you, it was my fault for the overflowing spa!" John stated. 

"Go on then!" She grinned, going over to the bedside table and pulling a cigarette out of the packet, looking up at him. 

"I think we need to release some tension first!" Mick chimed in watching as Christine smirked, placing the cigarette between her lips sensually and slow. 

"I agree, I think Christine wants us to relieve some tension inside of her!" John grinned, speaking in a low sexy tone as Christine locked eyes with him, lighting the cigarette and taking a puff. 

Christine laughed "Go on then, why do you think I was taunting you for, go on and make love to each other!" She purred, walking closer and gazing at them both, soon in front of them in grabbing distance.

"What about you, you need some lovin!" John smiled, pulling her against him and running his hands up her sides.

"Get each other hard, then you can both overflow me like that bath!" She purred, unbuttoning John's shirt.

"You know your a naughty girl Christine, being naked all that time and making us wait this long!" Mick said, standing behind her and rubbing her shoulders, while she started kissing John passionately, then she pulled back and turned around facing Mick with a cheeky grin.

"What are you going to do about it Mick?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Well John and I might just have to fuck you really hard and spank that sweet ass of yours!" Mick suggested.

"I might just let you!" She winked feeling turned on. 

"I agree, we fuck her so hard that she has to stay in bed for the rest of the day!" John grinned kissing her neck from behind. 

"I love the sound of that, carnival begin!" She winked, twirling from the embrace and slapping John's ass. 

"Its so sexy how submissive you are in bed Chrissy!" Mick grinned.

"That's the inly place you will see me like that so get used to it!" Christine winked, taking John's hand and leading him towards the bed "I will get myself ready, while you boys have some sexy fun!" Christine grinned, taking another large puff on the cigarette and blowing out the smoke slowly.

Mick and John both undressed, while Christine fondled herself, watching the tow men becoming intimate before they started pulling her into the position they wanted her in, the room filled with moans, whimpers and pleasure induced noise. 

After their love making session, John lay his head on Mick's arm and Christine was on John's other side curled up to him,  they sure kept their word she thought, she didn't want to get out of the bed, she was sore in a good way and was sure she had bruising from the playful spanking, not that she minded though.

"You okay babe?' John asked, stroking and tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Never better, that was fun, I'm just really exhausted, you and Mick sure made me want to stay here though, I don't think I can walk just yet!" She laughed.

"That sounds sexy when you say it like that!" Grinned Mick as he looked over John at her.

"Shit, Mick, we held you up, you were supposed to go home with Jenny!" John exclaimed.

"Jenny and the girls will understand, I will just go home and tell her how we were all fucking!" Mick grinned "I will ask if she will join too, I know Christine fancies her, its not half obvious especially when Christine is drunk and stoned!" Mick mocked.

"Mick Fleetwood, don't you dare tell her, she will be disgusted and hate me, knowing I think she is gorgeous and the fact you have been fucking John and I senseless!" Christine exclaimed, slapping Mick's hand that was resting on John's exposed chest.

"What if Jenny wants to join, an extra girl would give your body a break, your completely spent Christine and your poor bum is red from your spanking!"  Mick said grabbing her hand and kissing it.

"You cannot ask Jenny, she is far too innocent to want to be a part of our  debauchery!" Christine chuckled.

"I never would have thought a sophisticated lady like you would be into this kind of thing, especially Mick and I shagging!" John grinned, stroking her naked back.

"I can be surprising!" Christine winked.

"A woman of many talents if I must say so!" Mick smirked "Besides, I was only teasing anyway, as if I will ask Jenny or tell her about this, her and I just got back on track and are far better in this open relationship, I just couldn't make Jen happy and I accepted that, no wonder she strayed! I was barely there, poor Jenny!" Mick sighed.

Christine felt a little deflated, in a way she did want Jenny involved, the though of Jenny kissing her and spanking her, instantly made her excited, but she supposed Jenny would be angry and disgusted if she knew about the threesomes.  

The three all lay there, wishing they hadn't waited so long to be honest of their feelings, the years wasted when they all felt the same about each other, it all seemed perfect and what could possible go wrong?

*Finally updated, hope this is still good!*

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