The Choice

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Christine stared at Jenny dazed "Chris sweetie, do you not like the idea because if yo don't, I will go out there and put a stop to it!" Jenny soothed, tucking Christine's hair behind her ear.

"So, we are all gonna live together?" Christine asked smiling, trying to understand, her mind felt hazy and she felt like she was stoned still.

"Yes sweetie!" Jenny smiled "You, Mick, John, the girls and I" Jenny grinned "But Stephanie and Lindsey will be there too, but since they will be  in Fleetwood Mac, I think it will be fine!"

"Oh fuck!" Christine exclaimed.

"What, you don't want too?" Jenny asked deflated.

"How do I manage with Fleetwood Mac, the tours, the record? I'm so sick and so fucking tired!" Christine frowned.

"Hey, it will be alright, its just the withdrawals! After they ease, you will feel better and maybe bubs will stop giving your poor body such a hard time!" Jenny cooed, rubbing Christine's stomach.

Christine smiled softly "How did I not know I was addicted?" She asked frowning more.

"Hey, none of that matters, do you want to come out and talk through the house with everyone? I think Mick took some polaroids of the houses!" Jenny offered and Christine nodded.  he loved the idea of them all living together, she was just a little worried about living with the new bandmembers, they seemed sweet enough, but she was worried what rumours they would spread once they knew about the three way that was now a foursome and what they would say about the pregnancy, she hated being judged She normally didn't care but she didn't want to ruin the name of the band because of their personal lives.

"I don't think I will throw up, so I guess I should make an appearance!" She sighed and Jenny smiled.

"Doing more normal things will help you feel more normal, instead of being cooped up like a chicken in a shack!" Jenny grinned and Christine burst out laughing for several moments, Jenny was glad to see her laughing again "Now come one!" She smiled, standing up and holding her hand out.

Christine nodded smiling and took her hand, letting her help her up "I feel fucked up like I have smoked a shitload of pot!" Christine chuckled.

"The pills sweetie, but your nearly done with them!" Jenny soothed, rubbing her back as she helped her out of the room.

"Good, they are not hurting the baby are they, I worry so much about it!" Christine stammered, rubbing her stomach.

"They are safe for the baby!" Jenny smiled and helped Christine out of the room and up the hall, Lindsey, Stevie, Mick and John were all sitting at the table, looking over the paperwork and laughing, smoking joints and sipping beers.

"Smell all that pot, mmmmhmmm!" Christine giggled, unable to stop herself from inhaling it. The smoke was taking over the whole house.

"Hey babe your up!" John exhaled smiling as he stood up from the table.

"Yes, I hear shit about buying some house, lucky this pretty gal keeps me in the loop!" She smiled and squeezed Jenny's ass giggling.

"Hi Christine!" Lindsey waved, secretly worried he was going to catch whatever flu she supposedly had.

"Hi!" Stevie beamed waving "My new housemate and band member!" Stevie giggled racing over and hugging her warmly, which made her laugh.

"Stevie, she's sick, don't squash her!" Lindsey exclaimed, worried Stevie would catch the sickness too "Sorry about that!" He laughed looking at Christine's shocked and dazed smile.

"Its alight, your happy to see me, love!" Christine chuckled, as Stevie pulled back.

"You have a real different energy about you, feels stronger, like your chakras are more aligned!" Stevie smiled.

"Sorry about her shaka stuff, she's stoned!" Lindsey laughed.

"They are chakras Lindsey!" Stevie stated rolling her eyes.

"Are you into that shit?" Christine smiled and Stevie started feeling shyer but nodded "That's really good, my mother was too, I believe it all too, don't tell anyone though, everything still thinks its cuckoo!" Christine smiled and Stevie grinned.

"Our secret!" Stevie giggled "I can show you my crystals and gemstones when we move in together!" Stevie grinned and Jenny felt a little left out, she was actually a tiny bit jealous of how Stevie was gushing about Christine and she knew Christine would be checking out the petite blonde, she actually felt insecure but tried not too, her and Christine had a long lasting friendship and were lovers as well and Stevie probably into women anyway, Jenny thought, well hoped. 

"You do want to buy the house don't you Chris?" Mick asked and John stared intently at her worried she didn't want to or worse that she could regret it once she was off the pills.

"Fuck it, lets do it, we need more room, this place isn't that big!" Christine winked.

Stevie clapped grinning and everyone felt content and happy at her words "Well looks like were all moving in together!" Mick smiled widely.

"Yes, peace at last!" John chuckled, happy he would have so much help caring for Christine now, that was a great weight of his shoulders, he had been so worried about fucking something up and making her sick or not caring for her properly and he also assumed living together would be good when the baby came because him and Christine knew absolutely nothing about babies, besides holding Mick's daughters as babies and then handing them back,

"As long as you are sure sweetie!" Jenny cooed.

"Please!" Stevie begged.

"How can I say no, I cant walk away, even if I tried!" Christine smiled. 

Bermuda TriangleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora