Home For Now

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Mick and John unlocked the McVie house and were soon inside, grinning and they kissed passionately overwhelmed with happiness and marijuana. 

"Having a good time?" Christine snapped, breaking their moment as she stood with her arms crossed while she waited for Jenny to make her toast, she was shaking so much from the DT"S that she dropped the toast twice and Jenny was being so supportive.

"Hey babe, how are you?" John asked walking closer to his wife, seeing how pale and shaky she looked. 

"I have been sleeping, I can barely stay awake and I am due to take more of these dumb fucked up sedatives, the few minutes I feel normal again, I'm due to take more of the shit, so I don't die from having no fucking coke or booze, while you idiots are tongue fucking each others mouths!" She snapped "Probably, high, drunk, had sex and I'm stuck boring and feeling like I got run over my a truck and like a bloated pig who cant move!" 

Jenny smiled at the two stunned men and came up behind Christine, wrapping her arms around her "Calm down sweetie!" She cooed,rubbing her stomach "Stress isn't good for you or the baby and your perfect miss Christine!"

Christine sighed heavily, but instantly was calmed by Jenny and leant back against her "Your right but I hate this, I worry about the baby, what if something is wrong with it and that's why I am so sick, I shouldn't be this sick, I feel horrible, sick, bloated, shaky and hungry but I I vomit, why?" 

"Your baby will be fine and we will see that when you get the scan!" Jenny smiled and kissed Christine's neck "Now lets get you to take you pills and have a sleep, sleep heals!" 

Christine nodded, shot the guys an icy glare and let Jenny take her back to the bedroom and look after her, then Jenny returned while Christine curled up to a pillow waiting for the sedatives to kick in "So did it go well?" Jenny asked the men, eager to know about the house plan.

"Well we looked at some houses and the Buckingham Nicks agreed to be in for getting the house in their name! Lindsey took some convincing by I think he wants me!" Mick chuckled and Jenny rolled her eyes "Some of the house Jen, they are mansions!" Mick grinned and pulled his wife into a hug "Our new home for our growing family the McFleetwoods!" 

"Yes, the McFleetwoods!" Jenny giggled.

"Sounds so cute, maybe that should be the baby's last name because well its a mix of ours!" John smiled, patting Mick's back.

"If Chris agrees, I love that idea!" John grinned.

"It is very cute!" Jenny agreed "I still think she may be carrying twins though, so don't drop dead if the scans shows two babies her tummy!"  She laughed.

"Well we will have you and the duo to help Chris and us, so no stress if the house deal goes well!" Mick smirked.

"It will be good!" John grinned "Even if it is twins, but by the time they are born, Chris will probably have us killed or castrated!" John joked and Mick laughed loudly "But,  poor Chris is so unwell, I really want to be here because you boys are useless at taking care of her and before she takes the sedatives she wants to kill you both!" Jenny laughed.

"Well we did get her pregnant, she has a right to be mad, she is so unwell!" John said sympathetically "I am going to check on her while you pair plan the house!" He smiled and kissed Mick again, then hurried away, soon with his wife "Hey babe!"

Christine groaned, rolling onto her back "I feel so sleepy!" She frowned and John hated how the sedatives made her act, he couldn't wait until she was off them, he preferred her normal, even if she was yelling, swearing and wanting to kill him over the pregnancy.

"Hey babe, want some cuddles?" He asked, pulling the sheet and quilt back and she nodded, her eyes half closed and she soon slid in and pulled her into his arms, feeling bad for how sick she was. He kissed her face and she was soon asleep, he was hoped the house situation worked out. 

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