Reality Hits

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John lit the joint up, taking a large puff and watching the smoke swirl about, hearing Christine cussing and whinging "I can't fucking piss properly, stop watching me!" She snapped. 

"I'm not watching you, I am watching the smoke, I will turn around okay, stop trying so hard, just relax to piss and then you get the joint!" John said firm but caring at the same time, even though he was getting edgy himself with the pressure of trying to keep her calm and control Mick, he dreaded what Mick was saying to the doctor and nurse though, probably a detailed talk about all the sex they had or a description about how high he was and what drugs he consumed.

"Your so fucking cruel to me!" Christine huffed and started crying, unable to control herself, she was overwhelmed and scared, she tired to cry without him hearing.

"I am not being cruel, I love you and am trying to get you looked after!" John sighed.

She didn't reply to him, finally pulled her underwear up and did up the jar, going to wash her hands and then dabbing her eyes with the paper towelling.

"Hon, are you crying?" John asked, walking over to her and rubbing her back.

"No, why would I?" She snapped, snatching the joint and inhaling it deeply, enjoying it instantly.

"Because I know your scared, why didn't you tell Mick and I that your were worried you had cancer?" John said softly, stroking her loose strands of hair from her face, that were sticking, he noticed how clammy she was too.

"Just don't John, its a flu!" Christine stuttered, but John just pulled her into his arms, hugging her and kissing her head and she let him, needing the comforting touch, she knew she was lashing out but couldn't control herself, she was terrified and sick, it made her moody and she was angry in case they miraculously had gotten her pregnant and scared that she would get cancer like her mother, John's arm around her, helped her feel safer, but she still was on the edge of crying or yelling.

John, wrapped his arm around her tried his best to comfort her as they finished the joint, then he led her back to the room.   Sally took the sample jar, relieved Christine had followed through with it "I will send some of this to the lab but I can test it here to give you a clear indication if you are pregnant or not, right now, Darla is going to give you the blood test so take a seat!" Sally smiled, trying to be considerate.

"Sure you took long enough to piss!" Mick chuckled and John stared at him, shaking his head so Mick would shut up, he didn't want Christine more upset than she already was and John knew when Mick was high, Mick could be a joker, but Christine wasn't reacting well to jokes at that moment and just needed sympathy and support.

"I don't want the blood test, cant you just tell from my cervix and my piss, I hate needles, I have never even shot up with drugs because I hate needles so much, I haven't had a needle since I was six years old!" Christine stated. 

"You got that tattoo to match John's, that was a needle!" Mick quipped and Christine glared at him.

"If you got a tattoo, a blood test for your own health is a lot safer and more important!" Said Sally judgmentally and Christine knew Sally dissapproved.

"Its a bit fucking different, getting a needle shoved in my vein!" Christine hissed.

"Just don't look at the needle, focus on something else, I recommend chewing some gum, then you can focus on the gum!" Sally smiled.

"I feel sick already, what if I throw up while the blood test happens? The needle will then kill me and I'll bleed out and die, my father fainted when he had a blood test once, I don't want to faint, I have never fainted, I wont wake back up!" Christine quickly stammered beginning to panic as the nurse Darla neared her.

"You will be fine, have some mint gum and focus on that!" Sally smiled going and grabbing a stick of gum, handing it to Christine "On the off chance you do faint, you will be fine!" Sally stated.

Christine unwrapped the gum and placed it in her mouth, chewing on it and panicking worse "I wont wake up if I faint, I will fucking die!" Christine exclaimed.

"Hey Chris, think of them people who shoot up with drugs, pretend you are, they do it, so it cant be that different to a blood test!" Mick winked "You wont die, why don't John and I tie you up, make it sexy like when we all..."

"Shut up Mick!" Christine yelled cutting him off by throwing the gum wrapper at his head, if looks could kill, Mick would have been dead on the spot.

"Mick if you keep upsetting her we will ask you to leave the room!" Sally said as a warning just wanting her appointment with Christine to be over.

" I agree!" John nodded.

"I want to be in here, its my baby too!" He whined and Christine wanted to curl up under the chair and never come out, she was blushing bright red and wanted to cry from the humiliation as Sally and Darla stared at her, Mick and John.

"I am going to do the blood test now, focus on the gum!" Darla winked, finding it a little amusing and odd.  

Christine bit down on the gum glaring at the carpet, she was too embarrassed to even speak, not only for herself but also for 'Fleetwood Mac' if the rumours got out how she was clearly intimate with both Mick and John, all they would be known for was that and not their music, also the new bandmembers would run for the hills. 

"Hold my hand babe!" John smiled breaking her thoughts and grasped her hand "Focus on the gum and what an idiot Mick is!" John laughed.

"How about I do the chicken dance for the original 'Chicken Shack' Queen!" Mick grinned and started dancing around, stupidly making chicken noises which Christine looked up wanting to trip him with her foot so he would knock himself out, but he was trying to be supportive, in his own annoying way, she tried to be forgiving knowing he was high, but had aired all their private business to two people.  Christine was suddenly bought back to reality, feeling the needle go in, she whimpered loudly and tried to pull her arm away but the nurse was holding it there.

"Sorry, it wont hurt now, just sit still and relax!" She smiled and Christine glared, biting into her bottom lip "Try not too look!" The nurse Darla advised but Christine had already glanced and felt nauseous, John quickly cupped her face and turned her head to face him. 

"Just relax!" He soothed, running his thumb over her cheek and she closed her eyes, focusing on the touch of his hand. 

She felt a slight twinge as the needle was removed, she had hated getting the blood test, it still hurt and she felt dizzy afterward, also her fingernails had cut into John's hand because she was so distressed "I am going to faint, you have fucking probably killed me!" Christine yelled as the nurse put a cotton wool ball on her arm where the needle had punctured.

"You will feel lightheaded, have some jellybeans!" Sally smiled and handed Christine a small packet after opening it.

Christine hurriedly ate them  all and tried to not send herself into a panic attack, she had a few panic attacks in the past and knew the start of them, she was also trying not to vomit.

Darla left and Sally watched Christine warily and waited until she had finished eating the sugary jelly beans before she decided on telling Christine her condition, she already knew the answer and knew the pregnancy test would confirm it "I want you to come back in about three days for your test results but the pregnancy test should be done by now!" Sally smiled, going over to the other corner of the room, then returning "Christine Anne, the test says your pregnant and I know you are from the cervical examination and your symptoms!" Sally stated in a caring tone. 

"I can't be, the test is wrong!" Christine stated "You don't know what your talking about!" 

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