Confusion Hits

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"What's wrong penguin?" Mick asked, resting his hand on John's shoulder, seeing the worry and confusion in John's eyes.

"I think we've well, I'm not sure but I suspect we have, fuck!" John sighed, struggling to get the words out.

"John, your freaking me out, are you high or something, whats happened?" Mick queried starting to worry himself "Oh my god, I know what it is!" 

"How can you, did you notice it too?" John queried.

"We're low on coke aren't we, probably pot too, fuck, I will have to get some later!" Mick mused.

"No Mick, its not that!" John sighed in annoyance.

"Well what's the drama then?" Mick shrugged.

"I think we have really fucked up!" John stated, looking into Mick's eyes as he bit the inside of his.

"What have we really fucked up?" Mick asked smiling.

"I think we've really fucked up Christine!" John gulped.

"Well we fucked her is that what you mean?" Mick laughed. 

"Obviously we fucked her, but its worse than that!" 

"Why, is she okay, we haven't damaged her body have we, like her asshole or something, remember Jenny fisted her, not us!" Mick hastily replied, feeling guilty and worried, also worried John was mad at him for all the sex they had been having.

"I think we've kind of impregnated Christine!" John whispered slowly like the words hurt him to expel them.

"What, is this a joke, you said she couldn't have kids or some shit like that, I asked you if we were being safe?" Mick stated "That just wouldn't happen anyway John, its us!" 

"Tell that to the rest of the world who thought the same, hence overpopulation!" John sighed "I thought we were being safe too and She didn't think she could have kids!" John sighed "I guess we just got too drunk and high at times, we weren't really thinking with our brains now were we?" John half growled, rubbing his face and shaking his head.

"Have you asked her yet if its even possible?" Mick stammered.

"I'm too terrified, she will murder us!" John exhaled.

"Ar you sure she Isn't on the pill like Jenny, I saw Chris take pills sometimes!"

"They are aspirin idiot for her hangover and properly if we're too rough with her!" John snapped.

"Oh, right!" Mick nodded and never felt so confused "I still think you are overreacting!"

"Mick, she is showing clear pregnancy symptoms, she still hasn't got her period and is sleeping and throwing up all the time, mostly in the mornings, for fuck sakes Mick, Jenny has had two of your kids, doesn't the symptoms ring a bell to you?"

"Fuck, I think Jenny was like that, well, but Chris could have a flu or alcohol poisoning!" Mick smiled.

"Look happy about my wife having alcohol poisoning, real bright of you!" John rolled his eyes.

"So well, er, what do we do about it?" Mick gulped 'You really think she is, oh fuck!" Mick gulped.

"We have to get her to a doctor, so if she is knocked up, she can decide what she wants too do!" John replied.

"Well how about we lie to her and say Jenny took the girls to the doctor, gave them something and their better instantly, Chris will think she has the same thing, then the doctor can check her over and tell her what's up?" Mick suggested.

"Won't that be worse but, shouldn't we at least tell her what we suspect, she has had a miscarriage before and several supposed ones she wasn't sure about. Kids are a touchy subject!"

"Well are you going to tell her, she will cut my tusk off, at least you're her husband, you take the fall for it, she was your responsibility!" Mick exclaimed.

"My responsibility? You can't keep you hands off, why weren't you more careful?" John huffed.

"Why weren't you!" Mick replied.

"None of us were sober, that's what happened!" John sighed.

"Your right, I'm sorry, we shouldn't fight over this, it was all well, it might be nothing!"

"Well are Amy and Lucy sick like Chris?" John asked.

"No, just stuffy nose and fevers Jen said!" Mick replied.

"The fucking point is, Chris is the one who has to pay the price Mick by either having a kid none of us planned for or loosing it, I cant picture her aborting it, so they are the outcomes, both mean pain for her, we should have been careful, Chris always goes a bit nutty around her birthday and I feel like we took advantage, that's why we need to get her seen by a doctor, come with me, we should try to suss things out more too, try to tell her!" John stated and grabbed Mick's hand, dragging him back to the room.

"She's sleeping, oh God, she must be pregnant, how much can she sleep?" Mick whispered.

"I know Mick, I know, its just like the first time except she is so much sicker!" John sighed scratching his head.

"Maybe she is up the duff and its like twins or some shit, what if one is mine and one is yours?" Mick whispered.

"I know Mick I know!" John exclaimed softly.

"John, can I touch her?" Mick asked nearing the bed.

"Why ask now?" John laughed.

Mick walked closer and gently rested his hand against Christine's stomach, trying to see if it felt like Jenny's when Jenny had been pregnant, he was high himself and didn't realise the severity of the situation "It's so hard!" Mick exclaimed looking at John, as he felt her stomach.

Christine's instantly shot her eyes open startled and irritated, she had finally gotten to sleep after eating the chicken broth and had started feeling a little better "I don't care how hard your cock is, I'm tired and feel like shit, so fuck John!" Christine snapped, making Mick recoil. 

"Sorry, I wasn't meaning my cock was hard, I was well talking about you and that!" Mick stammered and John rubbed his hand down his face, regretting brining Mick in there, especially when Mick was high. 

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