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The next day passed and Christine wasn't feeling much better, the slight discomfort from Jenny's hand had eased but she felt nauseous, dizzy and kept throwing up the alcohol she tried to consume. John was serving her various marmalade toast platters and peppermint teas but she just mostly stayed in bed, curled up to a pillow feeling awful, almost like she was coming down with the flu "Chris, are you feeling any better, is it from Jenny shoving her hand in you, it probably upset everything inside, what if she burst something in you or tore something?" John cringed, stroking Christine's head.

"That couldn't happen Mick, her hand only hurt because you and Mick walked in and I tensed up panicking!" Christine sighed "Maybe I'm getting paid back for letting her get me off without you and Mick agreeing to it!"

"Chris, you were stoned, high and drunk, it was Jenny, no one else and next time if Jenny and you want to hook up, we'll all agree and make a night of it!" John said warmly, running his fingers through her blonde hair.

"I cant even think of sex right now, I'm sorry!" Christine frowned.

"Chris, I am not just with you to shag you!" John stated.

"I know, I just feel all over the place!" Christine exhaled annoyed.

"Its just your period babe, do you want a heat pack, cramping started yet?" John asked.

"I'm not cramping much, only little twinges and the bleeding stopped last night, I'm sure it will hit me like a tonne of bricks though!"

"It usually does straight away hon!" John stated "Did Jenny's hand block you up, a ring didn't fall off her finger and get stuck in you did it?" John panicked "You need to go to the ER!"

"John!" She laughed "Relax my penguin, I am fine, just a little late and hungover, Jenny's hand didn't cause it, you nutter!"

"How do you know Chris, her hand could have, was she like actually slamming it and out of you or what?" John asked sitting beside Christine on the bed.

"You just want to get your rocks off about it!" Christine teased.

"I'm worried, was she like punching it into you?" John asked cringing.

"John, she was gentle, she stretched me too far but I am fine, you and Mick are rougher than Jenny and I'm fine from that, quit your fussing and hold me!" Christine smiled.

"I want you to eat this and don't try drinking anymore!" John said firmly "Now your submissive in bed, since your in bed, you can take my orders!" John smirked.

"We're not fucking, its different!" Christine remarked.

"Well I could fuck you until you obey me!" John teased in a fake bossy tone which just made Christine laugh.

"Your cock might knock my insides about too much!" She laughed.

John rolled his eyes "I wouldn't really fuck you, you need to recover babe, so this is me taking care of you, can you sit up?"

Christine grinned happy to have John as her husband, he was so sweet and gentle to her.

Christine slowly sat up, John instantly helping her "Now, open up!" John smiled, grabbing a piece of toast which he had cut into fingers and prodding it at her lips, she rolled her eyes and let him feed her.

"Fuck, I was hungry!" She exclaimed mid mouthful and John chuckled.

"See I do know whats best for my Christine!" John winked and kissed her cheek.   She still didn't feel well but John being the sweetheart that he was, helped give her the comfort she was craving.

John was relieved that she ate the food and soon dozed off again, Mick dropped in and him and John spent some time together but Mick stated how Amy had a flu and needed him and Jenny, so Christine and John were alone for the next few days and Christine wasn't any better, not much at all. John was worried and continued to pamper her, but he couldn't work out why she was vomiting up so much, dizzy and tired, maybe it was just the flu that Amy had, then John gulped, Christine had said how she hadn't even got her period properly yet, it couldn't be, John mused. 

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