Time To Rest

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Jenny almost walked straight into John as he made his way up the hall to fetch Christine some water "Shit sorry!" He laughed.

"It's okay, how is she?" Jenny asked warmly.

"In bed, she is tired but a lot more calm!" John smiled in relief.

"Good, because I have to go home and put the girls to bed, Mum probably already has but I need to be there!" Jenny explained with a soft giggle, she felt bad for being late to get home already, but Christine had needed her and so did the men.

"You have done more than enough for Chris and us, thank you Jen!" John smiled grateful for her help, him and Mick would have been lost without Jenny's level headed ways.

"I will be back in the morning to check, what time has she been waking up?" Jenny queried.

"It depends, early usually to throw up, but she was drinking and everything too, so I don't know what time she will get up after taking all the sedatives and shit!"  John shrugged. 

"Right while I'll come as soon as the girls are sorted, I know Chris said it was fine if they came around but I don't want to give her the extra stress of having to entertain them just yet!" Jenny smiled.

"Your a sweetheart Jen, thanks!" John smiled, hugging her and kissing her cheek "You can go talk to her while I get her some more water!" He said, patting her back and pulling away.

"I like helping my friends, its good your taking care of her too, she will feel more comfy if you pamper her, hugs help!" Jenny smiled and walked off into the room as John continued up the hall "Hey!" she smiled and Christine fluttered her eyes open, giving a soft smile "You look sleepy!"

"I am, I feel stoned!" Christine laughed.

"Well the pills are suppose to calm you so you don't end up withdrawing badly, at least they are better for you and the baby!" Jenny replied, sitting beside Christine on the bed.

Christine nodded and yawned "I'm sorry for all of this!"

"Don't be, stop feeling bad!" Jenny laughed warmly, cupping Christine's face "How are you, did you need any advice before I go, I would stay the night but the girls need me!"

"I understand, being a Mum is your first priority!" Christine smiled.

"Like it will be yours soon too!" Jenny giggled.

"I know, I'm coming to terms with it, the minute John suggested I was knocked up I kind of knew, I was just too scared to admit it, I cant handle another miscarriage!" Christine frowned, protectively resting her hand on her stomach.

"Everything will be okay, so get some rest for you and your beautiful little baby!" Jenny smiled and kissed Christine's forehead, then softly on her lips "Goodnight Chrissy, just be calm, stress isn't good, think happy and peaceful things!"

Christine nodded at her best friend "Goodnight Jen, thank you so much!" Christine smiled "I'm so tired!"

"Get some rest, see you in the morning!" Jenny smiled back, getting up and blowing a kiss "Goodnight, sweet dreams!"

"Bye Jen, goodnight, sweet dreams to you too, thanks!" Christine said sleepily, waving and then curling back up in the bed, closing her eyes.

Jenny smiled warmly and then continued up the hall, finding the two men gossiping in the kitchen "Hey you pair of old ladies, I had better skedaddle, see you both in the morning, don't get high or drunk, just take her care of our Chrissy!" Jenny smiled, grabbing her purse of the table and hugging them both 'bye'.

"Bye Jen, see you then, I will look after Chrissy and this penguin here!" Mick grinned.

"More like John will look after you!" Jenny giggled "Now, I have to go!" She winked and left, waving to them and leaving.

"Fuck, we're alone!" Mick exclaimed the moment the front door closed.

"We will be fine, who's the stressed Daddy now?" John chuckled, patting Mick's back.

"Well we don't know what we are doing, when Jen  was pregnant with the girls, I was mostly on tour and Pattie and her Mum took care of her, I was a shit husband, no wonder Jen ended up fooling around with that guy!" Mick sighed.

"Hey, Jen is over it and so are you, its the past and your a good Dad and we will both be good Dad's to our new baby, now lets go in and make Chris feel special!" John smiled, hugging Mick.

"Sweet penguin!" Mick grinned, hugging him back.

"Your a big softie!" John chuckled and Mick smiled and kissed him.

"Now, before we start fooling around, we should go look after our baby mama!" Mick laughed.

"We should, I have to refill her water, I am filling jug, that way I can refill her glass all night, plenty of water Jenny and the paperwork said! You know it says the baby is mainly in water to something in her stomach, so its really like a penguin underwater!" John said in amazement.

"Fuck, that is cool, so its swimming, its so intriguing!" Mick grinned.

"I know, babies sure are little miracles!" John nodded grinning as he grabbed a jug and filled it from the tap.

"I can't believe this, as sick as Chris has been, its exciting now she is calmer!" Mick smiled.

"She is more accepting, she just let me hold her in the shower and she is actually letting me take care of her, so I think the sedatives are working, the withdrawals would have been making her extra angry, she always gets moody if she cant drink, but she is on the road to recovery!" John smiled, grabbing the jug and the water glass "Lets go!" He ushered and Mick followed him up the hall after kicking his shoes off "Hey hon, here is the water!" John said soothing as he placed the jug and glass on the nightstand.

Christine opened her eyes half asleep "mmhh?" She mumbled.

John sat down and picked her up so she was sitting and she laughed softly "She looks stoned!" Mick stated.

"The sedatives and she is tired!" John explained, Jenny had told them about the side effects and John listened to her about every word, as much as he could "Here hon, have some more water!" John smiled, rubbing her arm and handing her the glass.

She smiled and took the glass, chugging the whole glass down, then laying back down.

"Can she speak still?" Mick asked worried.

"I'm trying to sleep!" She muttered.

"Right now lets get in and hold her, Jenny said she will feel clingy and hugs help!" John whispered to Mick.

"Sure!" Mick smiled and they both got in, Mick cuddling her from behind"Goodnight sexy!" Mick whispered, rubbing her back.

"Night Mick!" She murmured "Night John!" She said, wrapping her arm over John and nestling her head against him. 

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