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John felt bad for Christine, she had basically begged him to help her, he knew she must have felt awful to even say that and he could tell her eyes looked glassy and she looked very pale "Of course I will help you, I love you honey and you will be okay! I am just going to get the bag and read the instructions then I will, you know, um do it for you!" John said, cupping her face.

Christine nodded, feeling a little more comforted as John pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly.

"I have to get going, you need to eat something so we have to do this okay!" He soothed, stroking her cheek with his thumb and she nodded again. He hurried away and Christine, closed her eyes, cuddling up to a pillow and trying not to cry, she was so scared.

"Everything okay, I got this from the car! How is our girl?" Mick asked nearing the bedroom with the bag which John took gladly, surprised Mick was thinking clearer. 

"She's really ill Mick, I want to get an ambulance if she doesn't start getting better, she even asked me to help her, she is going to let me give her, the, you know!" John hinted. Mick looked confused.

"What?" Mick queried.

"The supposes!" John replied, trying to recall the proper name.

"What the fuck?" Mick laughed.

"The stuff that goes up her ass!" John said in a loud whisper.

"Fuck, she will bite your hand off, you said she was mad about it, you were trying to get me to do it!" Mick stated.

"Well she is letting me do, she's more mellow now, which scares me more!" John stated, rummaging through the bag "We need help to do this kind of thing, I cant read that well!" John sighed.

"Here, I can, I'm a English poet!" Mick chuckled.

"We need Jenny, I don't even know the name of....."

Mick silenced John with a kiss "Hush penguin, I will find it, I read them earlier and its obviously not the bunch of pills she has to take orally!" Mick winked laughing and soon reading various packages "Here, this is them, anally so its her bum medicine!" Mick chuckled.

"Crazy bastard!" John smirked "Thank you!" He smiled, rubbing Mick's arm and taking the packet "Go entertain them, I have to try and see if Chris will still do it!"

Mick nodded "Good luck!" Mick smiled tipping his hat and going back out to Stevie and Lindsey "Would you pair like a drink or a smoke?"

"I can't turn down any of those!" Lindsey laughed.

"I know I have the munchies!" Stevie whispered.

"Go help yourself to the food, there should be leftovers!" Mick suggested hearing her.

"Um, wont the Mcvie's be angry?" Stevie asked.

"Nah, its pretty much my house too, their my lovers!" Mick winked and they all laughed, Lindsey and Stevie had no idea he was serious.

"Maybe I can make Christine a nice lemon and ginger tea, it will settle her stomach, peppermint or green also help too!" Stevie stated.

"Chris usually drinks the hard stuff, she has even been putting vodka in her wine for the past few years, she said it makes it stronger and still looks refined!" Mick chuckled.

Lindsey laughed "She can give me some drinking tips, even though I prefer the greener side of life!" Lindsey smiled, already pretty baked from smoking pot at his own place with Stevie.

"Can I make her a tea, would she mind, I just want to help is all, I don't want to start off on the wrong side of Christine, she seems lovely and I hope to become her friend!"

"Sweet little thing, help yourself, Chris will be glad not to get up for awhile, she just keeps vomiting!"

Lindsey cringed "Can we have a joint, maybe chat about music, where is John?"

"John will be with Chris, he's trying to look after her, I'm supposed to bring my wife over to help her, she knows a lot about, uh Chris' situation!"

"Situation?" Lindsey asked.

"Jenny has had her sickness before, uh the joint right!" Mick smiled, changing the subject, he was a fairly open person but still wanted to get to know the two Americans before saying more.

"I am going to ask her first about the tea, I don't want to intrude!" Stevie smiled walking away.

"Their bedroom is up the hall, last room at the end!" Mick smiled, proceeding to grab a beer for himself and Lindsey, forgetting that John and Christine would probably be busy "I think maybe rescheduling for another day is better to Mr Buckingham, its just not the best timing, sorry mate!" Mick smiled.

"Hey, its okay, people get sick!" Lindsey smiled "When Steph comes back, we will go and meet again when Christine is better!"

Stevie made her way up the hall, pausing as she got closer.

"I know what I am doing, I read the packet three times!" John stated "Roll on your side!"

"Fuck off!" Christine grumbled.

"No, this the only option or I will take you to hospital, you cannot keep vomiting now, just stay there okay!" John soothed.

Stevie crinkled her eyebrows in confusion steeping closer and couldn't contain her curiosity.

"Christine, sit still please hon!" John cooed, grabbing one Christine's legs.

"Your hurting me, I'm not ready for this, I'm too tense!" She whimpered as John pushed the capsule at her back entrance.

"Just breathe alright!" John said softly, holding one of her legs up, brushing his thumb over her soft skin while he used his other hand to try and put more pressure on the small capsule "This will help you, are you calm?"

Christine nodded and Stevie looked in the doorway, watching as Christine whimpered and exhaled "Is it in?" Christine asked, wincing.

"Yes, your so brave Chris!" John smiled "I just have to push it in more now, so just be calm!" 

Christine sighed and whimpered, gripping the sheet, the intrusion was nothing like sex, probably because she was not aroused and was tensing up immensely.

Stevie was wide eyed in the doorway, not having in clue of what was going on and she couldn't help herself "Um is this consensual?" She asked.

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