Chapter 2/ Levi POV

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"What was that Y/N?" James was on my heels as I made it through the door.

Rolling my eyes at the amount of jealously in his tone I head for our pathetic excuse for a kitchen to retrieve some supplies for the open wound on my forehead.

"What ever do you mean James? That was a job James, you know the bullshit excuse we call for a source of income." I was rummaging through the broken cabinets searching for something, anything to stop the bleeding.

"Bullshit Y/N don't play coy, I saw the way you looked at him, the way he looked at you! What your sleeping with the enemy now?" His tone had taken a turn for the worst.

Slamming the already broken cabinet closed I pull the attention of everyone in the house.

"He's not the enemy. We are all stuck in this shit hole together. He's just doing his best to keep his own alive. Besides he allowed us to take that shipment. Didn't even ask to break even." Finally finding a some what cleaner rag I replace the bloody one with it.

"Allowed us?! He did no such thing! That mans a fool to think he could ever stop us or even come close." James scoffed under his breath, still loud enough for us all to hear.

"That's where your wrong. He could have, very easily at that. You didn't go up against him, I did. And I'm the fastest out of all of you. He's different, unlike anything I've ever seen before his senses are absolutely lethal. I didn't even stand a chance...... I never had one." Staring off into the distance past James as I replay the last encounter I had with this mystery man.

"Damn Y/N if I didn't know you any better I'd say you have a crush on mystery thug man." Cynthia's playful tone filled the room as she hung herself over the back of the couch staring at both of us.

James body locks up almost instantly.

"Ha mystery thug man." Laughing at how stupid it sounded I move James to the side of me so I can head to my room.

"This isn't funny Y/N. You know how I feel about this. He's bad news not only just for you but for the 3 of us. He can compromise our intake." James hand quickly came out to grab ahold of my wrist.

Turing my head just slightly to look back over my shoulder I catch his eyes.

"Is that so? Or is it you just can't stand the sight of someone else taking interest in me? We've spoken about this James. I don't want anything, I never will." I could see Cynthia sinking down into the couch as she attempted to shield herself from the awkwardness.

"That's not it!!! And I can!!!! He's just... he.. he's no good for you Y/N." His eyes looked pained.

Pulling my hand free I meet his eyes once more.

"Please you should know better. I deal with far worse  men everyday, he's actually kind of refreshing." Turing on my heel to head back towards my room to get myself presentable for the long night of work.


Stumbling into the our place at around what I could only assume was noon I couldn't  help but allow the groans to fall from my mouth.

"I don't know why you still go there Y/N your body takes a beating every time. You come back covered in bruises." Cynthia was standing in the kitchen preparing some sort of food for herself.

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