Chapter 3

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"Levi." His name left my lips almost effortlessly, It sounded to comfortable for only knowing one another due to a run in.

His eyes widened at the sight of blood trickling down the back of my neck from where the beer bottle had come in contact with my head.

"Y/N." He nonchalantly tilted his head at me, almost like I was a stranger passing by. Did he not tell his crew about our encounter? Was he playing dumb? Bringing his tea cup up to his lips he takes a big sip before pulling his eyes from me to look back at his friends.

I knew I had no right but I couldn't help but feel slightly hurt by his actions. He was acting like he didn't even know me. Sure we had stolen from his gang but that was just business. I thought... something about the way he acted towards me when we were alone... no... I was thinking to much into it. He was a rival thug and that's all it ever was going to be.

"Y/N move! We have to go there are more coming." James arm was around my shoulders pushing me quickly out of the tavern doors. Cynthia was slung over his shoulder unconscious.

Hearing a commotion come from the inside of the bar I turn back to James.

"Go, take her and go back to the house. I will meet you two there. There is no way we both will be able to out run them, they are right on our tail." Hearing the tavern door open I hear multiple footsteps tap against dirty pavement as they all pile outside, the 3 from the bar were now leaning against their friends for support as they pointed at me. There was 5 of them not including the 3 I had taken on before.

This was going to be a game of cat and mouse. I clearly couldn't take them all on by my own, not without James. I was good, but I was still small for my age. I didn't stand a chance against 5 fully grown men. Out running them was clearly my best option, I would have to take to the underground streets to loose them.

"Go now." I shoved James in the direction of our house. Hearing one of the men coming up behind me I clench my fist tightly. Cocking back I lay into him at full speed. Leveling him as my fist comes in contact with his nose. His legs give way beneath him and he falls right before my knees.

The others stare in horror as their friends nose gushes blood. I waste no time attempting to put as much ground in between me and these disgusting men. Unfortunately the underground was a small place. And almost everyone knew of each other or had at least seen each other. And for me that was even worse meaning how I had recognized the bunch from my other job.

I spin on my heels quick to make sure none of them see my face. I take off down the alleyway beside the tavern, in the opposite way James had gone. I needed to buy them some time or Cynthia was in for a world of hurt. A beating wasn't all they had in store for the young women of the underground.

Pretty girls were hard come by, and even harder to find one who was willing to put out in such..... filthy living conditions. So men would take it where they could get it. Unfortunately for us ladies that meant watching your back as you turned every corner.

Nobody was safe, and I had to spare her from that trauma. That's partially why I didn't come to her rescue when they had her pinned down. I didn't want to be recognized, that and I needed to make sure Cynthia was capable of holding her own.

If she wanted to survive down here she needed to learn how to properly defend herself or at least learn how to take a hit.

Running down the alleyway i catch a glimpse of Levi as his head was cocked to the side, looking over his shoulder out the window at me as I ran down the alleyway. The 4 men still close behind me.

I shook my head. Now was not the time. I was in some serious, serious shit if I couldn't manage to out run the assholes. What they had planned for Cynthia would surly be in my future if I could not manage to shake them.

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