Chapter 48/ Levi POV

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The next two minutes to follow would be utter chaos.

Levi's fist flew and Dustin's jaw cracked.  I could see the very second Levi's sanity snapped, it was the same second Dustin and Faye connected, when he touched her.

A sickening sound echoed through the hallway. The sound of pure hatred and brunt force meeting bone.

Elbows and fists continued to fly. Grunts and groans erupted as they knocked each other senseless. Dustin already at a disadvantage with only one arm, he was stupid to think he had a chance regardless. Levi didn't earn his title by working his way up through the ranks like a good little soldier.

He was the person who set them. He was the person who set the standards. He was untouchable and everybody knew it.

Was this what they had been doing to one another since I had been gone?

And when the fuck did Dustin become a scout?

"Jesus Christ! Eren, Jean, Connie, Armin!" Hange is the first to give orders.

I'm still stunned starring at the two on the ground as I pull Faye closer to my chest, she begins to scream and cry. I'm sure she had no idea what was happening but she knew one thing, that was her daddy down there.

Levi was on one knee, bending Dustin's only good arm back and out of place.

"Captain Levi!" Eren was the first to make the mistake of jumping in. Coming up behind him to wrap his arms around Levi's chest.

Levi sent his elbow flying into the cadets mouth, busting a few of his teeth out, sending them skipping across the stone floor.

"Stay back, that's a order!" He seethed through clenched teeth, glaring over his shoulder as he held Dustin in place.

"Don't ever touch my daughter again or Y/N, don't even fucking look at them. Or so fucking help me, I'll break every bone in your god damn body, fucking shatter them so your of no good use to us anymore. Don't fucking test me boy." Levi released his arm long enough to grab a fist full of Dustin's hair just to slam his face into the stone floor.

Another grunt fills the air, cadets starting to surround the table.

I couldn't stomach this, I cared for them both. Even though I wasn't able to care for Dustin, feelings don't just vanish into thin air.

I stand up, resting our daughter against my shoulder as I step over then two and make my way for the door.

"Idiots." I mumble to myself as I walk past the crowd.

                            Later that night

I was asleep or at least we were.

I brought me and Faye back to my old chambers. Not wanting to have to deal with the drama,  I thought it would be a nice break.

I thought wrong.

Faye laid on my chest asleep as Levi carried us back in what I could only assume was the direction of his chambers... our chambers.

It was late, no lights. Just moonlight granting me small glimpses of light onto his clenched jaw.

He was mad.

I roll my head to the left, resting it against his chest as I breath in deeply. He had such a unique scent to him, natural but something of his own.

"You and your friend kiss and make u-"

"Don't ever fucking do this again, Y/N."

His words cut mine off, coating them in ice as he glared down at me, glimpsing down at my chest where our daughter laid.

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