Chapter 31/ Levi POV/ James POV

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"Y/N!! Y/N where the hell are you!!!! Kuchel, she better not be with that boy of yours!!"

Oh no, I could hear her.

She was drunk.

And angry.

A terrible combination.

My body continues to tremble as I shake in a closet outside of the busy brothel hallway. Hearing my mother pound on Levi's mother's door. The sound of the other women moaning and screaming in pleasure or pain, who knew. It was hard to decipher it. It all sounded the same to me.

"Go away Desiree! She's not here!!! I'm busy with a client!" I can hear Kuchel, Levi's mother respond back through the door.

My arms wrapping tighter around my legs.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." Levi's hand came out to my knee, patting it softly as I buried my face deeper into my knees.

I was scared. Terrified of what she would do if she found me.

I wasn't able to get her any medication this time around, she was suffering and that made her unreasonable.

"You should go, if she finds us toge-"

"There you are!" The door was yanked open, the fluorescent lights of the brothel blinding the two of us.

I could feel Levi's arms wrap around me, pulling me close to him, I felt safe for just a second. That same second my mother's hand came down to grab a fist full of my hair, yanking me up and onto my knees.

"NO!!! You can't touch her like that, I wont let you!!! Let her go!!!!" Levi was yelling, screaming at my mother.

"Shut it you little runt!" I felt Levi's arms leave me, and then the sound of him grunting in pain as I opened my eyes.

Hands coming up to find my mothers hand as she yanked on my hair harder.

Levi was hunched over on his knees, holding his stomach. Eyes squinted, searching for me. She must have kicked him away and off of me.

For the first time ever, I fought back.

Nails digging into my others wrist as I kicked my legs out beneath me. She had dragged me from the closet now, feet kicking to find some ground as I continued to be pulled down the hallway by my hair.

Levi crawling from the closet on his hands and knees, clutching himself as he looks back for me.

"Y/N!" He sounded on the verge of tears.

I know I was.

"Let me go!!!!!!!!" My screams vibrating off of the walls to the brothel, by standing customers now looking. Some older creepy men, stare and smile.

It was no use, I was just a child, Levi was too.

We stood no chance.

Passing Kuchel's door my mothers foot kicks it.

"Leash your son!!!! The last thing we need around here your son knocking my daughter up! Keep him away!" My feet left the ground as my mother ripped me hard by my hair, sending me flying into the bedroom.

Skull cracking against the bedpost, instantly sending me into a daze.

Levi at the door, pushing against my mother to get inside.

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