Chapter 16/Levi POV

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Levi POV

I was sitting at my desk, a leg resting over my knee as I drummed my finger tips lightly on my desk. I was more anxious then I was leading on.

I had managed to track down Petra in her flustered state, abandoning Y/N in the process. Leaving her completely exposed, I had taken her mess of panties and jeans away for washing.. she probably had to run back in just my shirt.

I convinced Petra that these matters were best attended to in private.

"Are you two back together?" She sat twiddling her thumbs, looking around at the room in different directions, anywhere but my eyes.

Sighing out loud, I knew this would bring nothing good.

"The results, would you like to read them or should I?" I was just as scared as she was, but this situation had quite frankly made me sick, I just needed to know and just get this over with.

"Le.. is she the one?" Petra managed to bring herself to meet my eyes, staring back into mine just as hard.

Alone in our private time she could tell I wasn't always there. My mind was with someone else, wanting someone else. She had asked me a few times if there was another girl. I never answered her though, not really a discussion I'd like to have while I'm balls deep in one of my subordinates.

"Yes." There was no sense in lying to her, even if she was pregnant... I had no intention of building a fake family with her. I'd help raise the child on my part, but never together.

"You know, I think you of you the same way...
Or I used to." Petra went back to twiddling her thumbs nervously, she took a deep breath in, I could hear her voice shake as she inhaled.

"I know..." My fingers stopped drumming, grabbing her attention. If she was in fact pregnant she at least deserved my honesty. Sharing a bed with her was enough, I would never even dream of disrespecting a woman I shared myself with like that. She deserved my respect.

"I know you do... I don't believe in giving false hope, prolonging ones pain, so I'll be blunt. I have always carried a certain fondness for you, much more then the others obviously. You were the only one to ever come close to he-"

I had to stop myself, correct myself. This wasn't about Y/N. Petra deserved at least that, not to be made down into a background character.

"I won't regret our time spent, but our last time was just that.. our last, now please read the results." Holding my hand out to her, indicating to read. I could see her bottom lip trembling.

She quickly tossed the letter across the desk.

"You read it! You seem so eager to escape from me, be my guest!" She was sniffling now bringing the back of her wrist up to wipe at her tears.

I wish I was more nurturing in these situations, I always had such a hard time with others and their feelings. It made me uncomfortable to say the least. That was everybody but Y/N.

For the first time in a long time, I was honest with her. I told her just how I felt, what I desired. My hopes and dreams I wanted to share with her in the future.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts I reach across the desk to grab ahold of the letter.

Bringing my finger in between the fold I pull the wax seal off, pulling the contents out for my eyes to read.

I felt my hands tremble as I brought the paper up to my eyes, skimming over blood work and urine results. My eyes were skimming back and forth, looking over every word. Just dying to kn-"

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