Chapter 52/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Hey slores. Just letting you all know I will be going MIA the 24-27th. I intend on using some of that time to really write. I'm not sure if I will be able to update before then, but I will do my best. No promises though. 😏



"That won't be necessary." Shoving James to the side as the other cadets fall from the trees.

Training was over for today. It had kept me busy enough to avoid Levi. But I knew I couldn't do that forever. He was Faye's father after all, I wouldn't keep her from him. I had made that mistake before, and I refused to be the bad guy in this.

"Seriously, I don't mind. Little ole Faye and I get along just fine. I can watch her while you sho-"

"No, you won't."

I was to busy looking at James to realize Levi was leaned up against the base with his foot pressed against it, his arms crossed over his chest. Eyes glaring holes through James while he waited for me.

He pushes himself off the wall and walks forward to stand in front of me. I can see his hand twitch, almost like he was hesitating to reach out and touch me but couldn't bring himself to do it.

Releasing a heavy sigh I watch the two idiots exchange silent words. Both of them gripping their fists so tightly that their knuckles were going white.

James's foot tapping as Levi held his stare without even blinking. This was a game Levi played well. I had yet to see him loose at it, and I don't think he was planning on starting today.

I pull my hair up into a bun as I walk past the two.

Not my problem anymore. I couldn't make it mine. I was barley holding on by a fucking thread, a god damn thread.

One set of footsteps fill my ears as I make my way down the halls to the furthest end of the base.

I don't even bother looking over my shoulder. I knew it was him.

I cock my head to the side before speaking.

"Give me just a few minutes and I'll bring her out to you, I need to go get cleaned up, if you could stay with her during that ti-"

I was in the process of pulling my harness off my chest as I kicked the door shut with my boot.

But of course, he stops it.

Why did I even try anymore?

"No, I don't want to disturb her if she's still napping. I'll come inside." The palm of his hand meets my door as he pushes it open.

My lips form into a hard line. Shit, he was gonna see my mess. He was coming into my space, the space I fought so hard to make mine, the only space I could be free of him.

I hadn't really had a chance to unpack. I was busier then ever before. Between Faye, the two squads and running training.... I was barley staying afloat.

As the door opens his eyes take in my office. Boxes, boxes fucking everywhere. Empty whisky bottles leaned up against the desk. Papers and pens spread out all over the desk with a whisky cup half full from the night before sitting on top.

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