Chapter 118 Margret POV/ Levi POV

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They were close.

My foot almost snags on a root, running through this wooded area.


I stumble but only for a second before I pick my speed back up.

I needed to make it to Margret before they did.

She was a semi decent shot, but that would only get her so far.

The dogs barks nip at my heels.

Those fucks.

They were hunting us like animals. And I was sure John had a hand in it.

There had to be at least 3 of them, 2 to 3 dogs.

I wasn't sure.

Bounty hunters I am sure John had managed to hire. If Lena would have made it, her due date was a month or so back. He knew that, his attempts to locate me had become........ Desperate.

Keeping pace I shrug the thought off.

I didn't need to think about him.

No, not ever again.

I got myself out of that situation.

But Lena...

She never made it.

A fiery rage boils deep inside.

A feeling that had become all to familiar these days.

A feeling I enjoyed.

A feeling I welcomed now more then ever.


Margret POV

I'd scream if it weren't for the hand over my mouth.

Y/N holds a single finger up to her lips to tell me to keep quite.

She pulls me closer to her chest, pulling us back further in the shadows before removing her hand from my mouth.

Her eyes stay locked on the 2 men that had entered the building.

Rummaging through our belongings from the past day.

We had only made camp here while we decided on our next move.

We made it to her sons location.

He wasn't there.

He had been relocated after Eren's attack once more.

We had come here, it was the first abandoned home we had found.

Sticking to the back country we managed to stay out of sight but somehow, someone had managed.

I see Y/N out of the corner of my eye pull her rifle off her shoulder bringing it to her front. Her free hand finds my stomach, pushing me back behind her.

I wasn't that much younger then Y/N, she always had played the role of big sister though.

And honestly, I was okay with that.

"The dogs must have tracked us here because of all their shit, they smelt it."

Dropping one of Y/N's shirts, the two men wonder around the room.

I watch Y/N's throat flexes as she swallows.

She was plotting, she always was these days.

Always 10 steps ahead.

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