Chapter 23/ Levi POV

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                     *a glimpse into the future*

Levi POV

No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. My ears felt as if they were bleeding with the new found information. Jaw clenching as I break the edge of my desk, white knuckling it, holding on for dear life, I felt like I might pass out.

All of a sudden my chest felt ten times heavier, I was in pain. Real pain, chest locking up as I fought to get air.

I can't see anything anymore, not even Y/N. No not even she could pull me back from this. I was to far gone. My instincts taking over as I fell even further into that dark hole I fought so hard to come out of.

It had won, and it had me in a death lock.

Shooting straight up out of my seat I bring my foot back, and then bringing it right back around to connect with the chair sitting directly beside Hange. I had crossed the small space between my desk and her in a second, I wasn't even aware I had.

She does nothing but sigh.

She knew this was how I'd react, that's why she thought she would be the one to tell me.


She was too, keeping quite as I went on my rampage.

Nobody was safe, no not even Y/N.

Especially Y/N. The things I wanted to do to her. Fucking break hers, hurt her the way she just hurt me. Punish her, god I could feel my knuckles going white as I clenched my fists tighter, palms bleeding as my nails dug into my flesh.

I thought we were over, hell I even...

She saw...

But this...

This is inexcusable.

With him.

"Training fields." My eyes narrowed as I break way for the door.

Hange and Moblit don't dare to make a move for me, they knew this was coming.

We all did.

I don't know when or how I made it outside but I did. Hell bent on finding the asshole, that fucking idiot.

He knew better then anyone, she was MINE, despite what she saw.. I had plans, I intended on making things right again. But of course he'd be the one to prevent that. This was definitely personal now.

Tugging at my collar as I pulled my sleeves up, I needed to breathe. Calm myself for what was about to come, focus so I could see react correctly. But I had no time.

There he was.

And so was she.

Good, she should see this. See what she caused, what she's doing to me. What she makes me feel.

"James." My eyes lock in on his.

He nearly has half a second to get ready before I've already made my first move.

I catch a glimpse of Y/N as I set myself in position to lay James out. Hange and Moblit have made it outside, Moblit holding Y/N back. His arms wrapped around her small waist, lifting her into the air as she trashed around, kicking recklessly.

For her safety, at least that's what he'd play it off as. I wasn't stupid. He had eyes, and they worked. Y/N was a once and a life time, I guess that's why it drove me insane.

Honestly I don't give a shit it only fuels the flame growing deep inside of me.

No more, it was coming out to play. And it was coming now.

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