Chapter 12/ Levi POV

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"What do you mean? What the hell is there to remember?! I remember absolutely everything. Everything from those boys beating me up to you rescuing me, who the hell is this Tommy?!" Unaware at my own tone, I didn't resize I was now screaming at James.

He closed the distance long ago, wrapping his arms around my small frame, pulling me tighter into his chest, as his lips found my ear.

"Y/N please try to relax. I'll explain everything, but you have yet to eat. Dinners nearly over if we don't go now you won't be able to eat all night. I'll explain once we find a seat." His voice was surprisingly soothing for how much I was freaking out.

"Fine." Was all I could muster out


Levi POV

"Have you tried speaking to her?" Erwin cocky voice breaks me from my concentrate, causing me to restart all over again analyzing the room for her.

"Tch, what are you talking about? There's nothing to discuss." Not wanting to feed anymore into his need for drama, I continue to scan the room for her dark hair.

"Nothing to discuss? Like what happened in the showers?" I could hear Mike choke on his food besides us. I knew her already knew due to his heightened senses, he was just always smart enough to keep that knowledge to himself.

"You heard her... she said it was a mistake. Won't happen again." Allowing room for Erwin to give his own insight.

"And are those her words or yours? She said those in front of her Commander, anyone's going to say what needs to be said to pull themself from that shit show, I doubt she meant it. You two have ... err history I guess." Carful with his words, he didn't want to make it obvious to anyone else who was ease dropping.

"Yeah, well all the history in the world isn't t going to change her mind. She's done, I know how she is once she sets her mind to something. It's just to painful to accept." My eyes locked onto her as I watched her and James enter the Mess hall. Her eyes were puffy and red, she had been crying, that immediately sent me into defense mode. James hand was wrapped around her waist guiding her to the empty line.

"Dosnt look like it to me." Erwin scoffed under his breath as his eyes followed mine.

I could feel the fire in my stomach growing even hotter by the second. Watching his hands on her.



"Okay so even if the "orphanage" i was surrender to was ran by the Dove family... that still didn't give me the answers I need. Why is he claiming he's my long long husband or some shit, I've never had interest in men besides one. And we all know this letter isn't from him." Slamming the letter down onto the table.

"I can't believe I'm the one having to tell you all this again, how did you forget you were literally the one who told me. Right after I helped you from those boys, they were bullies from your orphanage you said." James was looking at me confused.

"A bad memory? Maybe something happened that was so bad it forced me to block that part of my life out. I'm not sure though all I remember is my life being brought up with you and Cynthia, Nothing before."  We were both staring back and forth, waiting for one of us to give a answer.

"Okay... well.... I guess I'll start from the beginning. Maybe something I say will ring a bell." James pushed the tray of food my way as I continued to piece together the information.

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