Chapter 25/ Levi POV

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I couldn't help but gasp out loud. Bringing my knuckles up to meet my teeth, muffling my sobs and I pushed myself to run faster and quieter through the halls.

I had already lost my papers, they had fallen from my hands while running, that was fine I just needed to get the hell out of here and away from him.

Rounding a corner, I hear Levi yell out for me, I could hear his boots hit the hard stone floor. He must have made it outside of his office already, how rude he was leaving her like that.

I just needed to get away, what if he was yelling for me because he was confused as to why I was crying or even there in his office, he forgot about our plans clearly. This was embarrassing.

"Y/N!!!" His voice comes up from behind, he's getting closer now. Soon he'd have eyes on me.

"Idiot." I sobbed into my knuckle, squeezing my eyes shut as I rounded the last corner, before taking a hard right and then a immediate left ducking into a supply closet.

I quickly shut the light off, dropping to the floor as I back myself into the cleaning supplies. A mop coming down to smack me in the head.

I grab ahold of it, hearing Levi's gaining on me, I was almost happy he was so exposed when I walked in. If he wasn't, there would have been no way in hell I would have out ran him. He was right outside now.

My other hand wraps around my knees as I push my mouth into my hand. Squeezing my eyes shut.

God please don't let me get caught like this.

Not like this.


What if he said I didn't have a right to be hurt, I didn't right? Or if he said that this was childish?

It was, and I was hiding out in a fucking supply closet.

I relax further back as I hear Levi's boots slowly grown quieter as he makes for another corner.

I release my hand from my mouth, pushing up the mop to sit up right as I throw my head back into the bottle cleaners.


Later that night


I don't know when or how but I fell asleep. Sitting up right with my head hanging between my knees.

I was exhausted from what I had seen earlier.

Emotionally it had destroyed me, I didn't feel like taking any chances and running into him so I stayed here.

I could hear the cadets crowding the halls, making their way into the Mess Hall, it was Sunday night so I hadn't missed any training.

But If I didn't pick my ass up I'd surly miss dinner.

I needed to eat, I hadn't been really, to depressed with what happened with Cynthia.

I guess I blamed myself. I should have never allowed her to go, she wasn't ready. She needed more training.

Maybe if she had, maybe... maybe she'd be here.

I groan pushing myself up off the dirty ground. I was happy for the black scouts jeans. Unfortunately my white t shirt was a bit marked up, I had gotten some old grease on it while I leaned back into the supplies.

Oh well, I was just going to grab some bread. Maybe some stew if there was any left and take it to my office.

Outside of James, I didn't really have anyone to sit with or talk to. But lately that was even hard, after everything between us we couldn't bring ourselves to confide in one another. It just made things harder.

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