Chapter 63/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

The sound of gravel moving is all the heads up I need, it sent me ducking and side stepping.

Dustin's fist fly's past my face, not even a second after.

Stumbling forward, he regains his footing quicker then I thought he would, little shit.

My boot meets his stomach, kicking him straight into the dirt.

Sending his feet up and over his head, landing straight on his ass.

Inhaling deeply, I can feel my fucking pulse throbbing. I'm so angry, I can't fucking see straight.

But I have to try, dammit I had to fucking try.

"You shouldn't try to weigh in on others affairs. Especially my wife's and mine."

Rolling my shoulders back, I exhale the breath I had been holding in. Doing my best to calm myself.

This was a sensitive topic for me, hard to fucking think about.

What happened to me was bad, yeah. I hated every fucking second of it.

But my wife...

She was mine, she was so happy and full of light before him, and he fucked it all up. He stole some of my light, he stole time with Faye's pregnancy from me. And this fucker was just relishing in it. He wasn't even aware of the truth, but I'd be damned if I told him. He didn't need nor deserve to know.

Nobody did.

I'd protect her from that, from this.

Y/N's screams still haunted me at night. Her pleas and cries for me to come for her, to rescue her.  It consumed me, ate me fucking alive. All the ways I fucking failed as a husband.

We may have only recently been married but everyone knew, Y/N knew... Y/N's always been mine, always belonged to me.

The amount of times I counted her crying out for me...

It killed apart of me deep inside...

Another reminder as to how I had failed her. How I hadn't protected her. Perhaps that's why the need to protect Y/N and Faye was at a all time high right now.

"You know nothing about her time held hostage, don't try to act as if you could ever begin to fathom it." Fingers clenching into a fist at my sides.

I can't hear anything but my pulse, it's in my ears now. Shaking my head I try to clear it.

Its only natural for me to have this reaction to such a topic, right? This was the only way I knew how to protect her.

Something like anger flashes across his face, I have half the mind to laugh.

He doesn't know the meaning of it, could never understand it.

"Bullshit, I was there. I saw the condition she was left in. She was broken!! That's your fucking fault Ackerman!"

The dust he had chucked into the air at me, meets my eyes before he finishes his sentence.

Blinding me completely, my back collides with the filthy ground.


It comes out as a muffled groan, my eyelids pulling shut tight. Grit and dirt coats the inside of my lids, I can feel the small pebbles scratching against the inside of my eye.

That's it, he's dead.


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