Chapter 102/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

The steam from my tea dissipates in the air as I turn, leaning against the table in the Mess Hall.

"I take it as things are back to normal again then?" Hange stands beside me, loading a plate full of different foods.

My brows tug together as I glare in her direction.

Shaking my head, I look away as I bring the cup to my lips.

"As normal as it can get with my wife running off and disappearing again."

Rolling my eyes, I scan the Hall again.

I hadn't seen her since this morning. She was already out of the bed by the time I woke leaving me naked and alone.

Just gone.

I hadn't managed to track her down all afternoon.

"Can't you just track her through that mind thingy shit?"

Bringing my hand up to run down my face I slowly shake my head.

The stupidity.

"No, I can't just track her. It only allows me glimpses here and there, feelings. Especially when she's pushing me out or doesn't want me in, which seems to be the case right now. And it's a bond Hange."

Unable to help myself I correct her.

"Well cant you try, like to speak to her through it?"

"I am, I have been it's just a blank canvas, its like speaking to a wall."

She sighs beside me as we both lean against the table.

All these questions, they seemed off, suspicious even maybe.

"Why do you even care, you haven't seemed to take much interest in-"

Hanges hands come up.

"Easy, I'm just trying to be a good friend."

"Friends, huh."

Looking back to the busy room I speak to her without looking,

"Aren't we?"

Hange steps forward to pull my gaze.

A smirk covers my face as I look over to her.

"One of the only you'll get."

Hange tosses a apple into the air catching it as she walks off.

"Cheer up, your making the cadets uneasy. They are all scared your gonna make them run drills through the night, again."

Shaking my head, I finish off the tea.

"Maybe I should."

Shaking her head, Hange leaves me with a grin.




The mattress creaks below me as Poroc speaks beside me.

"Why now?"

Turning to look to my side, my eyes fall on his as I breath in deeply.

"Because... because I need you Porco."

He scoffs, standing up from sitting beside me to pace the small space in his room.

A chuckle leaves his lips.

"That's real rich, coming from you, don't you think?You don't need me Y/N, you have never needed me, or anyone for that matter!"

Apart of me knew this was a mistake but what could I do? I needed him for this plan, I couldn't bring in Marleys forces without him as a distraction. I couldn't bring them to where we needed, without him the plan would surly fail, many of our men would die.

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