Chapter 74/ Levi POV

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Levi POV

Shooting up out of bed, I gasp.

Drenched in my own sweat, I hyperventilate.

Chest heaving in and out, my hand finds my forehead before running my fingers through my damp hair.

Jaw clenching, my eyes pan down, the beds empty, to big.My other hand was fisting the sheets in panic, my knuckles turning white.

She was there, I knew it.

I dreamed yes, and it was always of her but this was different. Between the scouts, Faye and everything else I hardly ever had time to sleep, so the dreams were typically scenarios I built up in my head. More time with her, watching Faye grow old, our kids playing together in the house we imagined. Even sex, mostly sex.

But her fingers, her jaw was slacked like someone had taken a fist to many times to it. I could barley make out those eyes I loved so much, the same eyes I'd loose myself in.

I saw her in my dreams happy and full of pleasure, but never like this.

I was dreaming or at least I think I was. A happy one, one where me Faye and Y/N went into town. Where we had tea at that small little shop she enjoyed so much, Y/N was still pregnant.

But I was ripped out of it, brutally.

I knew some part of that had to be real.

I knew my family lineage had ties to bonds, but that was ancient knowledge. And there was so much lost in time, it was hard to decipher what was real and what was not.

The way she screamed, her hair disappearing and blood spilling a instant later.

It wasn't a dream. It was a fucking nightmare, a call for help. And one I couldn't answer to.

It was possible. I'm not sure why it hadn't crossed my mind before. I was stupid to not know, after what I did to Tommy, how many times I had beaten Dustin. How much I lothed James.

I had always been like this. It was past protective. It was in another league of its own. The very sight of someone showing interest in her, casting a gaze for to long.

It had me crawling in my skin, on fire. Unable to control the rage.

I had always felt this way, since we were kids.

I think I always knew she was a blood mate. I just couldn't accept it, I didn't want to pull her into something she had zero say in. But I knew it, and yet I denied it.

It was my own shit, my families curse. She wasn't born into it, therefore she deserved a fighting chance. A chance at not being owned in every sense of the meaning by me, to be tied to only me.

But I knew that was a crock of shit. For fucks sake I married her, had almost two kids with her. She was mine, in every since of the word.

My head hangs.

"She was reaching for me."

Why hadn't she done it before? Why hadn't I?

I had tried when she was in the underground with our daughter but if I was being honest with myself I had no idea where to begin, I doubt she would either.

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