Chapter 109/ Levi POV

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"Tortured one another enough."

I scoff, my hands coming down to catch myself as I look at the wood floor.

"That's what being married to me was like for you? That's what being bonded to me was like for you, Levi-"

My face is pulled up, his fingers gripping my cheeks.

"Being bonded to you was the hardest most painful thing I've ever been through in my life outside of loosing our daughter. But watching you die. Seeing that bullet blow through your skull-"

He swallows hard, looking away as he blinks to clear his eye.

He continues to look out at the sea as I drop my eyes back to the ground.

"Being bonded to you was the best thing that ever happened to me outside of our children. Loving and feeling love from you is something I will never experience in this lifetime again."

He tugs on my chin again, forcing me to meet his eye.

He was crying.

"Loving you was its own form of torture Y/N. Never being able to get my fill of you, never being able to get closer then I already was, always wanting more."

His lips were warm on my forehead.

"I love you. I will always love you Y/N. But I can't love you the way you need anymore or deserve. Not in this life time. It's, there's to much damage."

My arm comes up, wrapping around his neck.

Pulling him closer, he drops to his knees and then onto his ass.

My legs straddle him as I climb on top of him, refusing to let go as his hand falls from my face.

My lips brush over his ear as the tears continue to run.

"I don't need you to love me anymore then you already do, I don't need anything else, I need you. I won't ask for anything else, just don't leave Levi. Don't leave me to live this life without you, existing without you is a whole different misery I won't be able to live through."

He pulls back, meeting my eyes.

"Don't say that. You will live, you will live a long and happy life. You will learn to love again-"

I release my hold on him, slumping back down and off his lap to the cold wooden planks of wood.

This was pointless. We were both just hurting one another by continuing it.

"Why is it so easy for you to go? Why is it so easy for you to leave me?"

Both of his hands cup my face, bringing my lips to his own.

He feels like home, his scent even the taste of his lips. It sends me into a haze.

He's gentle and slow, prying my mouth open to his own. Gentle yet in control.

He always was.

It doesn't last long enough, his tongue on my own. Deep down I know it's the last time my lips will feel his in this lifetime.

My stomach turns inside of me, I feel sick again.

"Doing this is like taking one of my own limbs off. You will always be apart of me Y/N. I will never love another the way I loved you. But I can't. I simply can not live in this world with you anymore. Not when I've seen you die, not when I've seen our children die. Not when I've lost you so many times at this point I have become numb to the feeling. Everything we build is taken from us by force. I can't put you through that pain anymore, I can't put myself through it. We may not be better off without one another, but the pain won't be there. And the pain is almost to much to bare Y/N. Seeing you but not being able to be with you. I can't anymore."

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