Chapter 28/ Levi POV

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Running my hands through the bubbles the soap has formed on my head I can't help but smile and squeal.

Feeling my familiar ache between my legs. One only Levi could leave. My heart swells, we were back together. Better then before.

He asked me to marry him.

Levi Ackerman had asked me to marry him, and it wasn't a dream. I could feel my cheeks blush red as I thought deeper into it, Levi's arms around me. His hand on my throat.

The way his cock felt, I missed it all. I missed the never ending ache he'd leave.

I just missed us.

I step back into the water, rinsing the soap from my hair as I watch it run down my body.

I bring my hands down between my legs. Cleaning myself throughly as I smile wider, I can feel Levis mess coming out of me as I continue to clean.

I felt owned, claimed. I loved every part of it, and only because it was him.

Turning off the water I grab the towel on the bench beside the door, wrapping it around myself before turning the doorknob.

Pulling the door open, I'm instantly pushed back. Almost stumbling back as I loose my footing on the wet tile.

"We need to talk." James steps inside, shutting the door behind him and locking it. His hand coming out to grab a handful of my towel from the front to stop me from falling.

Gasping out loud I can't help but stare in shock.

"James you can't be in here, this is the Captains showers, Levi could come in an-"

"Where's your ring?" James nods his head down towards my empty hand.


"You said your engaged, where's the ring, or is Ackerman to good to get you one of those too?" James steps forward, closing the small distance left as my hand comes up to smack his away.

Clinging desperately to my towel. My hair dripping all around me.

"Levi's getting me a ring, we are engaged James, you can't be here, now please don't make me pull rank!" Bringing one hand up to push him back and away. I needed him to leave, I didn't want Levi getting the wrong idea. He still didn't know about our time spent together. And honestly I wasn't even sure how to begin to tell him.

He'd loose it, they never liked one another. The only man I had ever slept with was Levi.... Up until a few nights ago.

I wasn't sure how he'd react to the new information. Yes Levi had been with others, I knew that. We both did. He never tried to hide it, he was always honest.

But Levi wasn't a virgin when we met, he had already slept with a few different women. Me on the other hand? Levi took my virginity, and I had been with him ever since. He knew this too.

Even up until recently, he knew it had always been just him.

I was scared to say the least, he'd snap.

A pissed off laugh fills the shower rooms as James brings his hand out to brace himself against the wall. A hand coming up to smack himself in the face.

"Ohhhhh that's a good one, pull rank, that means nothing now that I've fucked you and I think we both know that. And that asshole couldn't even mange the bare minimum. And your settling for that? What has gotten into you? What the hell are you running from, Y/N?" He runs his hand down his face looking at me with tired eyes.

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