Chapter 77/ Porco POV/ Levi POV

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Porco POV

Bringing my thumb up to wipe my lips clean from Y/N's arousal, I can't help but to think of if it was him she was dreaming about. If that's why she was this wet, even before I went down on her, she was glistening before my lips met hers.

It angered me.

How was he still having this affect on her a ocean away? They were blood mates, yes. I should have known he could reach her even in her sleep. I was just ignorant enough to believe that he wouldn't figure it out.

Reiner and Zeke were right, he was coming for her.

Even in her dreams I couldn't win, he'd get to her.

I push myself up on my knees, Y/N not bothering to close her legs as she glares down at me.

"I should be asking you the same thing, saying another man's name while I'm between your legs."

My head tilts to the side in frustration. I thought I broke that bond, shoved him so far aside he was dead forever.

"Don't lie to me Porco." She pulls herself up to sit. Hair teased from her tossing back and forth in bed.

"What made you say that? What happened to makes you think I'd lie?"

She pulls her legs up, laying the blanket over herself as she crosses her legs.

"You lied to me about the orphan, your lying to me now-"

"The orphan is none of your concern."

"You still lied about him!"

The room falls silent. Unaware that my eyes have narrowed so thinly that I'm now glaring in disapproval.

"You are War Master Y/N, mine. What I choose to let you know about military affairs is entirely up to me. You should be greatful that you and I are open enough in this relationship that I feel like I can tell you those things, but make no mistake your entitlement is getting the best of you. Your stepping out of bounds."

Her face reddens, eyes going narrow as she glares right back.

"Apologies, I must have forgotten my place."

She's out of the bed, naked and dressing before I can grab ahold of her.

"It wasn't meant like that. We keep things from you guys so we can better protect and do our job, it has nothing to do-"

"Your wrong, I do the protecting. I protect you, I serve you, THATS MY JOB. I'm not sure how this conversation was flipped and got so far off of topic. I deserve to know who he is, who Levi-"


The room falls silent. The only sound that can be made out is the snapping of her belts before she pushes her feet through her boots, tightening the laces.

She drops her eyes to the ground before finishing off her last boot, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?"

I'm out of the bed, hand seeking her own.

"Back to where I belong. Seems I forgot my place."

My hand finds her metal one, pulling her to a stop before she can open the bedroom door.

"This is your place. You belong at my side-"

"At your side on the battle field. I'm sure you can find a whore to warm your bed. This bond is consummated. There's no need for us to continue with that."

I feel it then, she's hurt. Her own words are a lie. She cares, maybe even loves me. She hates this just as much as I do.

Her words wound me, frustrate me, if she thought so little of me maybe I should.

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