Chapter 136/ Levi POV

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It's late when I wake.

Something falls, shattering downstairs.


My eyes open, laying in our bed in the dark as I stare at the open door to my bedroom.

The hallway is dark, there were no lights on.

My hand reaches out behind me, stretching.


He never came home.

Maybe that was him getting in late.

I push myself up out of the bed.

We should talk, I had time to think. Maybe we could go to a specialist back in Hizuru.

Yawning as the moonlight blinds me I stretch out, reaching above my head.

I swallow, fighting back the urge to vomit.

I always hated early stage pregnancy.

Mid stretch I freeze.

I hear footsteps.


I don't hesitate, I don't think.

I didn't care how we left things.

I open the bond.

"Are you here? Is that you?"

I slowly bring my arms down, pushing myself up to stand. Careful not to let the floor board creek.

It's immediate.


My heart stops, all to aware that I have left my senses open for Levi to pick up on.

I'm sure he could feel the fear building inside of me, he's quick to follow up.

"What's happening? I should have never left, I'm not far."

My eyes gape, becoming aware that my son was a few doors down from where I was, alone.

"Someone's here, someone's in our house."

Kaleb would never, not with the chance of having a run in with Levi after how things were left.

Whoever it was, was a intruder.

I feel it then, It's not a request.


It's a demand.

I feel that dominate side of him, the holder of the bond. The Ackerman side that I had read about more in that book.

The possessive territorial side of the bond just daring me to defy him.

He wanted in. He wanted to see through me. And he was going to with or without permission now that I had opened up the bond.

I don't dare fight him on it.

I let him in.

I feel it then, a presence.

A floorboard creaks down the hall near our sons room.

My heart begins to race.

"Breathe Y/N. I need you to focus-"

"Where are you! I can't-"

"You can and you must. Our son is relying on you. I'm close, very close."

I step forward.

"Y/N you are with child. Get to our son and hide. If you are hurt-"

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