Chapter 11

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I few weeks had managed to pass by in a blur. Unfortunately due to the loss of soldiers, it required for my squad to permanently be reassigned to Levi's base. Which was unfortunate, for me at least.

I had managed to dodge evade him the best I could. Changing my squads training sessions to difffrent times or different locations within the base, but if I didn't know any better myself I'd say someone was messing with the schedule, so it was in Levi's favor. He always managed to find me where ever I ran off to with my squad.

It didn't matter though, when I was with my squad and training that's where my full undivided attention went to. That didn't make it any easier though, Jason and Cynthia both had a hard time focusing and keeping their eyes on the task at hand, I always managed to catch them looking beyond and behind me, to a pair of steel eyes I knew was waiting for mine.

I didn't have anything to say though, I said what needed to be said. And that was it. He said what needed to be said as well, at least he was honest about it.

The fact of the matter was, Levi held feelings for Petra. And they clearly had started to create something before my arrival. It pained me deeply, and as much as the thought of those two sharing a bed or each other pained me, I had to do what was right. And not only for me but the two of them as well.

I fucked up.. I should have never slept with Levi back in the showers, not if he was with someone else. I never wanted to force that sort of pain on another, even if she was with the only one I ever truly loved. It was wrong, and I was just as guilty as he was.... besides, I am a Captain. And as a Captain I have to keep a level head so I can better coach and direct my squad, I'd be no use to them if I gave into my own selfish desires with wanting to chase after Levi.

"He's staring again." James landed right in front of me, dropping down from a tree, Cynthia close behind.

"Yeah he hasn't even given his squad a order for the past hour, they've just been running while he stares over here." Cynthia was looking past me. I could see her eyes shoot open as she quickly pulled them away, looking to the ground. I could only I manage who's eyes she was staring back into.

"That's fine, let him stare maybe he's trying to grab some pointers from my squad, we do have a particular way about getting things done." Bringing my hands up to rest on my hips and I pull my head up to look at the two of them.

James scoff and kicks the dirt in front of us.

"Yea.... a very particular way indee-

"A violent one!" Cynthia cuts him off before he could finish.

My eyes instantly narrow at hers, I can see her immediately regretting to words as she shrinks back into her shirt. I was almost taken off guard at her actions, confused almost as to why she'd hide from me in such a way, but I quickly learned as to why when I see Jason and Cynthias posture straighten out.

"Tch, at ease you both look like you need to take shits." Levi cold tone cut through the air, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut, I couldn't avoid him forever.

"Captain Y/N, bring your squad over to meet mine. Erwin has tasked me with finding the weakness and strengths within your squad, we will have our two squad spar." Levi didn't even give me the decency to speak to my face, I could hear him already turning and walking back in the direction of his squad.

"Not today, maybe another time." Swallowing the spit that had formed in my mouth. I watch as all the members of my squads eyes go white as they shoot open. Shocked at my boldness.

I could hear his boots plant firmly into the ground as my words met his ear.

"I wasn't asking." He scoffs back.

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