Chapter 121/ Levi POV/ Kaleb POV

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During the the weeks that followed the tension only continued to grow between Kaleb and I.

Sitting at the main table I have to force the potatoes down my dry throat to prevent myself from choking.

Kaleb was halfway down the stairs when our eyes locked, a grin tugging at his lips.

It was the wonder of what if.

What If I would have let it go further.

Neither of us knew and that bothered us.

I grip my fork tightly, forcing my eyes away and onto Felix.

He sat across from me, both hands holding a mug full of milk as he drank from it.

Kaleb's hand messes up his black hair as he walks past.

Felix laughs.

"Sleep alright last night little buddy?"

Felix spins around in his chair, nodding once.

"I did!"

A smile covers his face from ear to ear.

It was times like this I wished I had told Levi.

Times like this where Felix made the pain just a little less.

Levi deserved to feel that.

Know that kind of love again.

"How's the new place coming along girls?"

Margret's head shoots up to same second mine does.

She looks to me to answer, she always did.

I swallow.

"Good, nights are warm with that new wood burner. I still cant manage to find the source of that leak though."

Old man Joe looks to Kaleb his brows pulled tight.

"You think it could have something to do with those older pipes?"

Kaleb sips on his coffee as he leans into the kitchen counter eyeing me as he answers.

I'm unable to look away as I hold his gaze.

"Not sure, wont know until I can get over there and take a look at it."

He sips his coffee some more, watching me before I pull my eyes away.

"Don't worry about it to much-"

"Nonsense, I'll stop by after breakfast and get it fixed first thing."

My eyes narrow at Kaleb, his grin growing as Margret giggles in the background.

Standing up, I clear my plate at the trash beside Kaleb.

Leaning in closer I place my plate in the sink before rinsing it.

"I can fix it myself, I just haven't found the time to do so just yet-"

Kaleb turns to me.

"And maybe I'm just looking for a excuse to come over and be alone with you."

Placing my plate down I roll my eyes.

"Not gonna happen. That was the closest you will ever get."

He rolls his neck, looking down at me from the side now.

"Somehow I know that's a lie. It will happen again and when it does it wont be me coming to you."

My eyes narrow so much I'm surprised I can see out of them still.

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