Chapter 19/ Levi POV

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Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter. I've had the craziest week, it's been extremely stressful so it's taking me a second to get back into it, but I will. I promise more is to come!

Levi POV

I was the happiest I had been in awhile, and that said something.

This life didn't grant me much joy but the little that I had I would cling to desperately.

Y/N was still asleep in my arms, face snuggled tightly into my chest, finding her usual spot that she'd fall asleep in when we were younger. I missed this, more then anything in the world, our memories.

It reminded me so much of how we used to be, how happy and innocent our relationship was. Looking at us now it only made me even more protective over her. Made me realize how much we truly took for granted. She was the most precious thing in the world to me, I loved her more then she'd ever know. I'd do just about anything to keep her safe.

Y/N stirring in her sleep pulls my attention. She was showing signs of being cold, curling up closer against me as she shivered. It only made me pull her in closer, bringing her forehead to my lips.

Last night was amazing. Truly the best yet, and it was all because of her. She made everything ten times better just by being herself, we were ourselves. It felt like home again, natural. Like we had found our groove again. I was positive we could make this work, I was determined. I wanted this more then any-

The sound of someone's fist knocking at the door pulls me from my train of thought.

Y/N was beginning to show signs of waking up, so I needed to get to the door before then. She deserved her rest, especially after last night.

I pulled myself up and out of bed, pulling on my jeans, buttoning them as I opened the door.

My eyes were still pinned downwards working on my pants so I hadn't seen who was in front of me at Y/N's door, but they seemed to know me.

I heard a familiar scoff and I just knew this was gonna be fun.

Looking up I'm met with Tommy. Our eyes meet for a second before he looks down at my naked chest, I was covered In love bites and scratch marks. I hadn't even noticed Y/N had made them in the heat of either moment last night .

He then looks over my shoulder. Y/N's naked body was wrapped around a white sheet, her hair covering her face as she had a arm slung over her eyes. She was always such a funny sleeper.

"What are you doing her-"

"I see that our Y/N is quite the community whore." Tommy was glaring over my shoulder to Y/N. I could hear her waking. She didn't need to see this nor hear it.

"What did you just call her?" Closing the door more so Tommy could no longer look at Y/N. I could feel my hand cracking the wood in the door frame as I held onto whatever was left of my composure, he was playing with fire and I was seconds from snapping.

"Tell me does she taste just as good to you as she does to me? She's got the cutest little birthmark right on the top of her clit, wouldn't you agr-"

That was it, that's all he was able to say before I tackled him, slamming him hard into the stone floor. Climbing on top of him, grabbing his collar in one hand and delivering sickening blows to his face with the other.

She did have a birthmark above her clit, it was a cute little patch of skin that turned bright red when we'd be getting hot and heavy or when she was flustered. There's only one way he'd know that, he was down there. He was in between her legs only hours before I was. How could she?

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