Chapter 15

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"Fuccccccccckkkkk" I couldn't help but groan out loud as my hand immediately came to rest over my eyes, shielding me from the morning rays of light that were peeking through the window.

That should have been my first clue, I don't have a window next to my bed.

I could feel it coming up, the vomit. All the bad decisions from last night. This is exactly why I don't drink. I'm such a poor sport when it comes to hangovers. I can drink the night away but I could never face the repercussions the next morning.

Squinting my eyes closed further I begin to roll to the side, almost falling out of the bed. Until a strong arm wrapped around my waist gently holding me in place, fingers stroking my bare stomach. Holding me still preventing me from falling off the bed.

"Oh no." I mumbled to myself. This was bad, I was so drunk last night I hadn't realized I had taken someone to bed. I hadn't had the slightest clue as to who it could be behind me.

"Oh no? Not exactly what I was wishing to hear first thing in the morning. But I guess it will do, your alive at least." Bringing his free hand up to tussle my already messy hair, allowing it to fall back down I'm onto the bed as he slowly released me from his hold.

I knew that voice all to well, I'm surprised I didn't recognize the hold on me through the night.

"No, that's not what I meant..i didn't mean.. I'm sorry Lev-"

I was mid sentence turning around, locking eyes with him when it all hit me. All the embarrassment from the past night.

my SOBER confession, that sent me spinning into a drunken haze. I checked out mentally after I fell off of the roof. I had absolutely no recollection of the past events from last night.

Seeing Levi's bare chest made me all to aware of the fact that I was naked beneath this shirt of his. One I had no idea how I had gotten into, no panties either.

"Did we-"

"God no, don't mistake me with him, I'm nothing like him." Levi narrowed his eyes at me as he pushed himself up to sit in bed . The sheet falling down his bare chest, exposing his deep vline as it faded into his boxers.

I wasn't doing a good job at hiding the fact that I was staring because the second I looked up his eyes were waiting patiently for mine, a single eyebrow arched back at me.

"Him? What do you mean him? I don't remember... what happened last night?" I pushed myself up into a sitting position much like his. Bringing the back of my hands up to wipe away the sleep from my eyes.

"I must look like shit." I rolled my eyes to myself as I spoke out loud.

"Yeah, but probably not as bad as your feel." Levi was quick with his witty remark.

Dropping my hands from my eyes I glare back at him through my messy hair that was falling into my face.

"Ha ha, very funny. Just what the hell happened last night and why does it feel like I just free fell from wall Maria with no ODM gear? And why am I in your bed after everything?" I had some sort of memory from last night but not much.

Levi's eyes softened as he scooted himself closer to me in the bed, never allowing our skin to touch, as we both looked forward into the empty wall.

"You came to me late last night... confessing your true feelings for me.. told me you wanted to carry my child that you wished it was you and not Petra...." he took a second to collect himself before continuing, taking a deep breath in as he stared forward.

"I didn't give you the answer you so desired or rather I couldn't give you the answer you wanted at that moment so... you took off, a bottle in one hand. I tried to track you down but you lost me. A cadet came to my door pounding on it late at night, said you had fallen from the roof top. I looked everywhere for you." Levi took another deep breath in allowing his chest to flex as the air filled his lungs. I just continued to stare back, anxiously waiting for the rest.

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