Chapter 129/ Kaleb POV

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Kaleb POV

"It's in the shed."

Margret nods at me pointing out the door.

"Would you mind checking the barn-"

"I am already on my way there now, I wouldn't have you walking down there at this time of night anyways. Go inside Margret, you should have your feet up."

Her lips form into a hard line as she stands in the doorway. A hand on the frame and the other on her belly.

She smiles at me before thanking me.

I turn, bringing the bottle of beer up to my lips as I make my way down the path past Y/N's house and to the stables.

I refused to give myself time to think about her.

She had made it abundantly clear.

And honestly just the sight of her with him was enough to drive me mad.

I couldn't. She was right.

We were wrong for allowing things to get so twisted and out of hand.

But that didn't mean it made it any easier to take.

I shake my head.

She belonged to him in every sense of the word, that much was clear. He need not say it. Anyone with two eyes could see it, they gravitated to one another.

He could provide and give her things I could only dream of.

Make her feel things... She never once reacted the way she did with him with me. It wasn't the same.

It was careless allowing my true feelings to bleed through earlier today.

I was jealous.

Jealous of him and how he made her feel. Jealous of how much she cared for him, how quickly she was willing to drop everything and run for him.

My eyes catch a flicker of a fire off to my right.

Squinting my eyes I look into the darkness at the fire.

My body tenses, knuckles going white. My jaw clenches.

Y/N was sitting on top of Levi.

I couldn't make out much due to the darkness but I was no fool.

She was riding him. I could see her bouncing on top of him.

Her head was titled back, moans filling the air from the both of them.

She was looking up at the sky as he held a fist full of her hair, grabbing ahold of her hips, forcing her to ride him harder.

I could hear her.

She sounded so sweet.

I close my eyes, shaking my head.

I understood though. Sex with Y/N was wonderful. But that, the way they looked at one another, held onto one another.

It wasn't desire that drove either of them, no it was need.

I get it, its something I'd never be able to understand.

When my eyes open, they find Levi standing up from the chair with Y/N before he places her down on the grass forcing her legs to open further as he comes between them, his hand wrapped around her throat.

Her moans echo through the air.

I turn, forcing my feet to move. I had seen to much already.

Checking on the horses longer then I should, I take my time locking the barn up before I turn and take the long way back to the big house.

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